WHO: Dio Brando (
space_ripper), Paul Atreides (
bilakaifa), Ulquiorra Schiffer (
sfigato_quarto), Kia WelBelhenna (
kia_on_top), and Kaede (
fogliadaceroWHAT: Checking up on those who helped and how they're "feeling"
WHERE: A private room in a restaurant
WHEN: November 30, evening
Come talk with me. )
She wondered--with some irritation--on whom the suspicion had been pinned, but it wouldn't do to appear more defensive than usual, so she made sure to ground herself before she went in. After all, she told herself, she had nothing to worry about.
"Come, sit down."
"No, of course not, Dio," she replied, "What about Thursday? I thought everything went perfectly?" Well, everything except for that fourth explosion that had all but upstaged their work, but she didn't feel the need to mention that. "You're not afraid I've gone soft just because I'm a woman, do you?"
"Mm, it did...but, how are you feeling about it? That civilians were killed, lives were destroyed...You wouldn't think of, perhaps, talking?"
"I grew up in this business," she said, "I know all about the costs involved. I know that sometimes things must be destroyed in order to rebuild. My loyalty is here now, there would be very little for me to go back to if I tried to leave, so why would I betray that?"
Besides, she though, she had real friends in the Monacello house--but she doubted Dio took much stock in friendship so she held her peace.
"You wouldn't talk even if offered an incentive?"
"Like what?" she asked, "A more comfortable cell? A job in counter intelligence? Insurance against the price you'd probably have on my head? I'm not stupid. I know what happens to people like that."
Hell, on occasion, she'd even been the one to clean up after people like that.
"Good. I was hoping I wouldn't have to worry about you. You're free to leave."
Kaede nodded, thanking him briefly as she took her leave, but somehow sh couldn't shake the notion that--god help them--somebody was going to talk.
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