WHO: Adam Monroe, Peter Petrelli, and anyone who might wonder why there's a supposedly dead guy running around the AMC Headquarters screaming.
WHAT: Adam Monroe died at the Hungry Bug approximately five days ago. Little did anyone know that he wasn't exactly staying that way.
WHERE: AMC Headquarters (from the morgue to the labs and BEYOND)
WHEN: Friday Oct. 24 around midnight (Day 165)
At first it was black. All dark shapes slowly forming then coming together until it all dissipated and gave way to light. A dull light as if something was in the way.
A harsh intake of air and Adam's eyes flew open, still gasping for breath and looking around him after leaping to his feet. Bright, sanitary, right down to the scent of it all. An overpowering scent, like chemicals or something and this .. looked a hell of a lot like a morgue. WHY did it look so much like a morgue -
An explosion. Fire. It had felt like an unstoppable wall of heat bearing down until it was too much and that - that was all he could remember. He hadn't seen it coming. Just stepped out for some dinner, that's all there was to it.
And if he was being kept in the morgue -
His brain had to be racing after a few days of not being used, would also explain his heart racing at such a ridiculous speed.
He looked at the clock. Midnight.
Midnight. And he was in the morgue.
The goddamn MORGUE.
Shaking, Adam lifted his hand up and happened to see one last burnt patch of skin heal over right in front of his eyes.
Of course. His powers. He'd done it before. This ending up dead then waking up, but it was a hell of a lot different this time around, when he was sober when it all happened, and not hung over when he finally decided to come to.
He didn't even know what day it was. Week. Month. Year.
Call it one hell of a delayed reaction (although the extent of the delay was beyond Adam), and he screamed. Bolting from the room as fast as he could, not really caring what state he was in, tripping over himself and grabbing for the wall, steadying himself.
He was off again.
Through the corridors of the familiar AMC - well at least it still existed. At least he didn't wake up in some horrible future where he didn't know anything at all.
Anyone was a completely different story.
Peter. Oh if he only wasn't mad that Adam forgot the dry cleaning again.
It was midnight and that ridiculous man was probably still in the ridiculous lab doing all of that godforsaken work of his. He never learned, did he?
Finally reaching the lab, swinging the door open without even considering that someone might be standing back there, Adam burst into the room and stood there, trying to catch his breath from all of the running and screaming. He wished he could claim that he wasn't being terribly loud on his way over here. But he really was.
It wasn't every day that this happened.