Reunion // closed and complete

Sep 30, 2008 09:37

WHO: Muraki [medico_male] and Oriya [lying_facade]
WHAT: Old friends meet each other again
WHERE: Oriya's restaurant/brothel
WHEN: Day 140, night
NOTE: Adult content, NWS

medico_male: He'd heard that Oriya had ended up here and set up shop. Whatever the reasons were, Muraki felt glad that someone who knew him would be around in case he ever needed a place to stay or wanted to enjoy himself. This assumed, of course, that a similar business was being set up here.

He drove to the address that he'd heard had renovation going on, parked, fixed his trench coat as he got out, and went looking for Oriya.

lying_facade: Oriya moves unevenly through the parking lot, watching the way that the other people moved about and around the building, repairing windows, changing the doors for new ones...He was making it into a more traditional Japanese atmosphere. The brothel owner sighed once, cracking his neck and lifting his hand to raise the pony tail up a bit higher.

A new city, a new place. New people, customers. New whores. Shaking his head once again he tightened his yukata. However, moments later he herd footsteps and spun on his heels, blinking rapidly at the flash of white.

medico_male: He pushed his glasses up and eyed the work being done. It didn't take much thought to notice what was changing about the building. Oriya the walking anachronism; some things never changed, it seemed. Muraki smiled slightly, comforted by the familiarity of the setup.

"Good afternoon," he began softly as a breeze made his coat and hair flutter. "It's been a while."

lying_facade: "Afternoon? It looks more like an evening to me." He says this simply, moving closer to his old friend and smiling wider it seemed the closer he got.

"Have you been behaving Kazutaka..? I'm not going to have to find a way to get you out of it again, am I?"

medico_male: He smiled as well. Strange how something as simple as seeing an old friend again could improve his mood quickly. "It's easy to lose track of time when you spend most of the day inside a clinic." Muraki hadn't heard anyone use his first name in a long time. It made his smile grow as he stepped closer to Oriya. "And of course I haven't been behaving. There's someone here who claims he can't be killed."

That alone would be incentive to get him to keep up his old habits, but there was more than that. There always was.

lying_facade: The elegant male rose his brow at the idea...Noting that strangely enough it was like the man standing right in front of him and his biggest obsession. Something that couldn't die? "Well, however, now that I'm here, Can we stick to the old routine? I'd rather not deal with something like Camille again."

medico_male: His obsession would ruin him one of these days. Knowing that wouldn't get Muraki to stop being curious about it, however. He still wanted nothing more than to bring Saki back and kill him personally. "Whatever he is, I want to find out. Nobody has any proof I've done anything wrong, so there can't be a repeat of the Camille incident." Not yet, anyway.

lying_facade: He shakes his head, sighing and crossing his arms. "And I suppose that telling you to behave will fall on deaf ears like always, right?" This, however, earns a small laugh, he missed Kazutaka. Hell, why not say it. "I missed you."

medico_male: "It's hard to behave when there's nobody here to distract me. Maybe that will change now that you're around and you'll have girls I can indulge myself with." Or maybe he could have his fun with Oriya, if things between them were the same as ever.

That last sentence made him chuckle a little and reach to push a wayward lock of black hair behind Oriya's ear. "I missed you too."

lying_facade: Closing his eyes he sighs softly, moving slightly against the hand once it trailed across his cheek. That touch was something everyone fell for, but no one managed to stay with. They would die, or find something they couldn't stand...Well, spare Ukyou. He was still here, He gave the villain the victims... "Good, if this suddenly became one sided I would have to turn you in." A small joke, not very painful.

medico_male: Despite how good he was at drawing people to him, almost everyone left him once they learned all of his nature. Even here, in a city full of evil, the girl he'd tried to shape was growing afraid of him. Only Oriya knew and stayed. Ukyou would never, could never, know everything. "You're my only friend, Oriya. You couldn't betray me like that." The joke didn't bother him.

lying_facade: Oriya bit at his lip for a split second, taking the other man's hand for a moment before kissing it gently. It was a small sign, but nothing else to say that if Muraki still wanted anything, he could have it. "Come with me, tell me what you think."

medico_male: He took the kiss for what it was and nodded slightly. The next time he wanted someone willing, Muraki knew where to come. "I still think you live several hundred years in the past, but at least you're consistent with it," he said, teasing a little.

Once they stepped inside, they could speak a little more openly. It looked like the workers were heading home for the night.

lying_facade: "The past was a much prettier place, and who knows, with the people you attract, I very well could be." He chuckled softly once again, waving the workers still here away and informing them to tell the rest. He slid the door carefully open and stepped inside. It was completely redone and finished, the outside was the only problem now. "This was a Japanese-themed inn, so I just had to repair and change it about for my needs.

medico_male: The inside looked much like he'd expected it to. Before long, Oriya would have his brothel running. The hardest part might be finding girls who met his standards, Muraki thought. "The repairs seem to be going well," he said as he followed his friend inside. "Have you had any trouble finding your favorite thing to smoke?"

lying_facade: At the question he nodded, quietly fingering the thing that most often touched his lips. He kept it on, rather in, his sash. "I have. They don't have it in this town. It seems I'm going to have to import it...unless you could find it for me."

medico_male: "I know someone who deals with drugs. I'll see what I can do for you. It'll be cheaper and safer than having to import by yourself." Anything for his only friend. Muraki looked at the pipe for a moment and smiled as he pictured Oriya smoking it.

lying_facade: Oriya tilted his head up slightly, breathing deep before moving his hand away. Addicted? Perhaps as badly as Muraki was to his cigarettes. "Safer? Worried about me Kazutaka?"

medico_male: They both had their vices. Muraki pulled a cigarette from his pocket, stuck it in his mouth, and lit it. "I know you have your katana and you can fight, but I wouldn't want some dealer getting offended that you won't buy from him. You could get hurt and you don't heal like I do." This was the only way he'd admit that he sometimes worried.

lying_facade: He tensed a bit when Muraki lit up his own tobacco, turning around and openly glaring. With an easy motion he snatched the cig from his friend's mouth and tried it himself. It wasn't good. It wasn't bad...He didn't like it. Moments later, he moved over and kissed Kazutaka, blowing the smoke from his lungs into the other male's.

medico_male: He wrinkled his forehead as Oriya stole his cigarette. It wasn't that he didn't have plenty more, but he'd expected his friend to at least ask before yanking it right from his mouth. The kiss, unexpected as it was, didn't bother him at all. Muraki breathed in the shared smoke and kissed back slowly. This always felt familiar.

lying_facade: Once Muraki had all of the smoke he moved away, standing flat on his feet and closing his eyes. "You don't taste like an ashtray today...Have you cut back on smoking? Or did you wash your teeth for me..."

medico_male: He touched Oriya's cheek again and chuckled. "I've cut back. It's hard to tell my patients to stop if they see me lighting up constantly." Muraki took a half step closer, making sure there was almost no space between them now. "But you still taste the same."

lying_facade: "I'll always taste the same, Kazutaka." He chuckles slightly then, shaking his head and closing his eyes. He didn't move away, he didn't need to. This was comfortable for him. "That taste may go away however, if I don't get the right thing to smoke."

medico_male: He didn't move either. Oriya wouldn't have kissed him unless he hoped for it to turn into something else, but that could wait a few more moments. "I'll do what I can to help with one of your addictions, don't worry." Muraki took another drag on the cigarette.

lying_facade: "It's not an addiction, I just want it, it calms me down." This was another simple statement as the brothel owner shifted his weight from one foot to the other. Taking a deep breath, Oriya relaxes noticeably, moving his hand away from the precious item by his side. "I don't have addictions."

medico_male: "We all want things that we have to be patient for, Oriya." He ran his fingers lightly down his friend's side, only letting the touch last for a few seconds. "But you do have at least one addiction - me." Muraki took a small step closer, mouth curling up into a darker smile.

lying_facade: "Are you sure it's me who's addicted, Kazutaka?" He returns that same smile, pressing their bodies together easily and very slightly cocking his head to the side. "Because I could swear that you came to find me..."

medico_male: "I only intended to talk to you, Oriya. You started this act when you kissed me." Cigarette ignored for now, Muraki relaxed a little more at the easy way they could slide back into this no matter how long it'd been since they saw each other. "I'm simply making the next move." This kiss wasn't as gentle as the prior one had been.

lying_facade: "It was an experiment." He mumbled before being kissed, matching the other male's force easily with his own. He wasn't going to be the one to break this kiss; it was up to Kazutaka now on the way this meeting went.

medico_male: He smiled into the kiss and reached back to undo Oriya's hair, then ran slender fingers through the mess of black. Muraki's eyes closed while his other hand set on his friend's hip, very near the sash that both held his pipe and kept his yukata closed.

lying_facade: As always, Oriya's hair was clean and well brushed, not a snarl for Muraki's hand to get caught on. Lifting both of his hands he cups the back of his lover's neck and licked eagerly at his lips, wanting to deepen the kiss as much as Muraki did. Slowly he began to breathe a bit faster as well.

medico_male: His mouth opened when Oriya licked at his lips. The kiss easily deepened and Muraki took a quick breath, carefully controlling himself to enjoy this and not rush. They had time, unlike the other encounters he'd had in weeks prior. Practiced fingers untied the sash; he made himself grab the pipe before it fell to the floor. It wouldn't do to damage it.

lying_facade: As always the man wasn't wearing any 'time appropriate' clothes beneath his yukata, just a fundoshi, so once his sash was removed, most if not all of his body was revealed. Shivering slightly he pushed a bit more into the kiss, fighting for dominance there but giving in everywhere else.

medico_male: He slid his hands across warm skin and let Oriya have that little bit of dominance for now. Muraki stopped touching him for the seconds it took to pull off his coat and suit jacket, letting them fall to the floor to wrinkle.

lying_facade: He was sorely tempted to break the kiss and pick up the coat, letting it wrinkle wasn't the best idea to him. But he ignored the urge, leaving them be and pulling his hands back to himself to tug off the yukata, tossing it to the table. It was better than the floor right?

medico_male: It might not be the best idea, since wrinkled clothes would hint at what he'd been up to when he went home in the morning, but Muraki didn't want to think too much right now. Thought wasn't needed very much now. He touched Oriya more, brushing a hand over his chest before firmly pinching a nipple.

lying_facade: He makes a soft sound when his friend played with that sensitive nub, closing his eyes and faltering very slightly in his kiss; a moment later, however, he dives right back into it. Moving his hands again he works skillfully at removing Muraki's shirt, eager to see the marblesque skin beneath it.

medico_male: Hearing that sound, even though it was brief, made him smirk, but Muraki didn't focus his attention on that spot for long, not with more interesting places to touch within easy reach. His hands slid down, touching muscled skin that, while pale, was still darker than his own, and he stopped, deliberately teasing, when he reached Oriya's waist.

lying_facade: Oriya nearly growled at the teasing hands, biting his lower lip and rocking forward against his friend. Maybe if he got Kazutaka a bit more 'bothered' he wouldn't have to deal with the damn teasing. "Kazutaka..."

medico_male: "If you're not addicted, why are you so impatient?" he wondered as he drew in a slow breath. "I'm not going to leave you unsatisfied, Oriya." Muraki kissed his friend's neck and reached up under the loose flap of fabric to stroke him firmly.

lying_facade: "Impatient because I've imagined this the whole time I was in Japan, Kazutaka." He chuckles a bit, gasping softly and tensing up when his friends hand finally moved lower. "Though I suppose, if it makes you happy...I'm addicted to you."

medico_male: He laughed softly and kept moving his hand. "You could have visited me anywhere I was before I came back here, but you stayed focused on your dreams as I did on mine." Muraki's free hand tangled in Oriya's hair again; he couldn't explain how he still managed to hold onto his self control.

lying_facade: Oriya rocked slightly with the hand, using his own once again to disrobe his friend, wanting him to be as naked as he was and as soon as possible. "And both of our dreams lead us back here."

medico_male: After his shirt fell off, he smiled and let Oriya work at his belt and pants. Muraki pressed his thumb against a spot he hoped was still sensitive, kissed the hollow of his throat, and bit there. "When things aren't going well, everyone returns home to rest before starting again."

lying_facade: Oriya's body moved slightly with the manipulative hands, eyes closing tight for a moment before he tugs the other man's belt free, tossing it towards the pile of clothes that had already begun. Just being touched by Muraki was amazing, but this was something he got and would continue to get that most people can just think of, something that made him shiver. Loving attention from a murdering rapist.

medico_male: Although he'd hesitate to consider it "loving", Muraki was kinder with Oriya than he was with any of his victims. He bit down at the hollow of his throat, hoping to leave a small mark on that smooth skin. Not that he needed to mark Oriya to feel like he owned part of him, but he still enjoyed it. Muraki stopped touching him abruptly and smiled darkly, deliberately leaving him on the edge.

lying_facade: He made a small sound even at the bite, growling at the fact that spite asking the other male not to quite a few times he was still marked. However the moment he was left hanging he glared a bit, tugging Kazutaka's pants down easily and stroking his arousal a few times. "I could do the same to you Kazutaka. Leave you in the state you are in now."

medico_male: He chuckled and rocked into the touches. "I never said I had any intention of leaving you like this, Oriya. But it would be easier to continue this in your room rather than in the hallway." He had no intention of letting either of them remain unsatisfied tonight, but standing and jacking each other off wasn't the best way to do it.

lying_facade: He kept moving his hand a bit, intending to get his friend just as painfully aroused for the walk back to his bedroom. "I intended to have you in the hallway, but a bed would be nice - Western or traditional?" He asked softly, knowing now that most people were beginning to prefer Western.

medico_male: "You seem to be mixed up, Oriya. I'll be the one having you." Muraki would indulge his friend's obsession with the past further tonight, he decided as his breath quickened. "Traditional, just for you."

lying_facade: He chuckled very softly at the statements, waving his friend to the right as he turned the same direction, heading to one of the brand new rooms, stepping inside. "Lighting...?"

medico_male: He chuckled as well. "There's enough light coming through the window. Unless you'd rather we play at romance and light candles?" Muraki grabbed Oriya's ass since he was behind him and eyed the room quietly. It was very nice, as he'd expected. No detail was missed.

lying_facade: He makes a soft sound when his ass is grabbed, kneeling by the lanterns and expertly lighting them, setting them out of the way and even so much as hanging one by the door. "I enjoy candles..."

medico_male: "I know." Once Oriya lit the lanterns, Muraki pulled him close, kissed him hard, and let his pants fall completely. He began to feel impatient again, though he didn't show it at all.

lying_facade: Oriya moaned quietly into the kiss, closing his eyes and pressing his bare hips against the other male's. He was very eager now that they had moved into the bedroom. He had wanted this for so long….

medico_male: He groaned into his friend's mouth when their erections pressed together and reached out to find the drawer of the small table near them. Given what this place would become once the setup was finished, he assumed Oriya had already taken the time to put certain essentials in place. Muraki's other hand rested on the other man's hip warmly.

lying_facade: He chuckled the moment Muraki found what he was looking for, an expensive bottle of lubricant made specifically for this kind of sex. Oriya really had a lot of things already planned out. "I'm glad you remember where everything went..." This was, of course, mumbled once he broke their kiss.

medico_male: He caught his breath for a moment and pushed open the bottle of lubricant. "You're fairly predictable. I enjoy that about you." Muraki had to stop touching Oriya so he could squeeze some onto his fingers and move them down between his friend's legs. "And I certainly remember what happens now."

lying_facade: Oriya makes a soft sound at the cool gel, leaning a little on the other male and smiling a bit. "I know you do. It would be strange to teach Kazutaka Muraki sex once again." He chuckles slightly, moving his own hand down to play with the other male as well.

medico_male: He pushed his fingers into Oriya and groaned louder than he had before. Muraki shook his head and chuckled. "It's been a very long time since we had to teach each other anything. Why bring up those memories now?" Sometimes, he was still amazed that nothing had driven them apart after nearly two decades of friendship.

lying_facade: He gasps softly at the intrusion. It had been a long time since he'd had sex. Actually, it had been since Muraki visited him last. "Perhaps...we should learn something new then? There are a lot of things to do."

medico_male: "Another day. I don't think you're willing to wait long enough for something new to come into play tonight." He stretched Oriya, perhaps being a little faster and rougher with it than he should have been. Constantly grasping onto his patience was proving too much effort.

lying_facade: He makes a sound, eager to get the feeling once again. "Well then let's hurry Kazutaka. I want this more than you think I do...The last person I had was you." He muttered quietly, resting his forehead on the other male's shoulder.

medico_male: He'd known without Oriya saying it that he had been the last man to touch him like this. "Then perhaps we should actually get on the futon," Muraki murmured as he stroked his insides harder and licked at the spot he'd bit earlier.

lying_facade: He nods, breathing hotly already on the other males neck and closing his eyes tighter. "Then perhaps you should get your fingers out of me so I can actually move." He chuckled a bit, biting at his friend this time.

medico_male: He tugged his fingers out and grabbed the bottle again, since he'd need it in another moment. Muraki hissed softly when he felt the bite, but there was no need to ask for no marks. Anything Oriya did to him would heal quickly.

lying_facade: Oriya moved over to the futon carefully, seating himself on it and staring as his friend as he came closer, cock twitching at the sigh of both the moon on that marblesque skin as well as the fiery orange glow. The image was perfect. He wanted to make marks, things that he could see while this was happening and would be washed away the next morning.

medico_male: Muraki sat down, smile growing more when he noticed the moon through the window. That made this even more completely perfect. He pushed Oriya backwards lightly and moved to lie on top of him.

lying_facade: Once he was pushed to lay down he closed his eyes and relaxed a bit, smiling once again. This was already one of the more amazing experiences he had had with Muraki, normally it was just lust and speed...They had taken their time now... "Mm..."

medico_male: "Don't think it's always going to be like this. I missed you enough to spoil you just once, Oriya." Muraki whispered to his friend as he squeezed lube onto his hand, stroked himself a few times, and moved into position. He kissed his friend yet again as he pushed inside him with more care than he'd fingered him.

lying_facade: His jaw dropped as he was kissed and penetrated, eyes closing tight. Already this feeling was thrilling, one of the many things he would want and need from his best friend. "So...I guess next time I'll find myself...against a wall?"

medico_male: He rocked his hips slowly once completely inside Oriya and kissed his friend's jaw line. "Against a wall, bent over a table, on my lap. But never again in the backseat of a small car." Muraki's eyes fell closed before he began to move. This felt too good to last very long.

lying_facade: "So romantic, Kazutaka…" He mumbles softly, bending his knees slightly so that his lover could get deeper inside. He openly moaned at the movement then, tensing slightly with a small smile. "The car was...interesting to say the least."

medico_male: He shifted his weight to balance on one arm so he could reach between them and stroke Oriya again. "If you wanted a romantic, you would have left me years ago." Muraki groaned as well and briefly wondered why they were still carrying a conversation through the sex.

lying_facade: Perhaps they could because to them sex wasn't romantic. It was fun, and pleasurable, but Oriya stopped talking then, turning his head to the side and openly moaning as things actually truly started, clenching a little once in a while when his friend would hit that bundle of nerves.

medico_male: The moans encouraged him to speed up and shift his hips a little to try and hit that spot more often. Every extra bit of tightness around his cock made Muraki gasp. He kept moving his hand on Oriya's dick at about the same rhythm as his thrusts, focusing on pleasure now.

lying_facade: There was a soft whimper and a particular rough thrust, cock jumping at the sensations as he moved his hands. looping them around the other male's neck and lifting his hips slightly. "Faster, Kazutaka..."

medico_male: If this were anyone else, he wouldn't listen to the request. But Muraki had no problem obliging Oriya. He sped up and thrust harder into his friend, breath coming in quick, loud gasps now. Which of them would give in to their bliss first?

lying_facade: He scratched at the other male then, breathing quickly and closing his eyes tighter. He was going to lose it first for sure. He wasn't used to sex enough to last longer than Kazutaka did. He tensed up a couple of times, eyes closed tight and his sounds growing a bit louder. "Kazutaka..."

medico_male: He hissed as short nails raked down his back and Muraki jerked his hips harder. "At least you don't...shorten my name to anything cute," he muttered between gasps. The doctor opened his eyes for a moment to take in the look on his friend's face. He looked even better than usual when completely lost to everything but sensation.

lying_facade: "I could if" He said this, stopping the other male from his retort by kissing him and scratching a bit more at his back, shivering openly as he got closer to his release. Not long after he started the kiss the restaurant owner came, clenching around his lover.

medico_male: Since he couldn't say anything in reply, he simply glared affectionately and bit Oriya's lip hard as they kissed. Muraki made a muffled noise when his friend got even tighter around him and he felt sticky warmth hit their stomachs. It encouraged him to jerk his hips even more erratically.

lying_facade: With Muraki still moving inside of him, it was easy for him to become semi-aroused once again, shivering and keeping himself clenched to give the other male the highest pleasure he could get. "Ah..."

medico_male: He kept smiling and yelped when Oriya stayed tight around him. Muraki's own orgasm followed shortly after, making him stiffen and clench his jaw tight while his vision went white and his body spasmed.

lying_facade: Once the other male came as well, he let go of the other male, relaxing back onto his futon and shivering a little. "You're always good at this Kazutaka...If you want to shower there's one working now…"

medico_male: He shook his head as he pulled out. Muraki stretched out next to Oriya. "You wore me out. I can shower in the morning." Right now, sleep sounded good, even if the futon wasn't as comfortable as his bed at home.

oriya mibu, kazutaka muraki

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