closed // completed

Sep 21, 2008 14:39

WHO: Saïx lunaensnared and Xemnas nobodys_busines
WHAT: By destiny or chance, a meeting.
WHERE: The streets of Reggio Calabria to the Hungry Bug
WHEN: Day 132

Our instincts they were cringing 'bout how we lived our lives. )

xemnas, saix

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nobodys_busines September 21 2008, 22:59:57 UTC
It had been a while since Xemnas had been around the streets of Reggio Calabria and an even longer one since the knowledge that he may need to keep an eye on himself and his standings had left his mind. He wasn't one of those people who was constantly on the lookout for something, but neither was he dumb when it came to self-preservation. The silver-haired man was more than capable of keeping track of where everyone around him was and the status of everything he passed. He was observant, but not obviously so. If he passed it, he took note of it.

And so when he spotted a head full of vibrant blue hair across the street, he took note of it, pausing for a moment to examine the person out of the corner of his eye before continuing, though his track was now slightly different. He wasn't heading straight for the blue head of hair, but neither was he deterred. For whatever reason, Xemnas found himself greatly interested in who this person was. The man under the blue hair appeared to be quite strong. With any luck, Xemnas was on his way to finding a bodyguard or someone who could lead him to one.


lunaensnared September 22 2008, 00:42:28 UTC
At first he went his usual way passing blocks completely oblivious of any semblance of being stalked. It was three blocks from his destination that Saïx stopped and turned staring pointedly in Xemnas's direction. He didn't seem to see him specifically or find the source of his paranoia as he scanned the street and across it. Growing irritated at his inability to discover his hunter so easily the man turned and continued on his way more irritated and unsettled then before.

He clocked in on time, donned his apron and went right to work forcing the thoughts that plagued his mind away. He had a job to do and money to earn. There was no time to dwell on such difficult riddles.


nobodys_busines September 22 2008, 01:11:29 UTC
Xemnas was always very careful not to appear anything other than a casual observer, a tactic that earned him top stalking marks today. Whoever that blue-haired man was, he hadn't caught on to the silver head following him. The larger of the two followed slowly, giving just enough time between them that his prey wouldn't be able to prove that he was indeed following.

Eventually, Xemnas was led to what looked to be a restaurant of sorts. The place appeared to be decent, worthy of his time and interest. He waited outside for a few minutes before pulling open the door and taking a seat in the waiting area. A few of the hosts approached him and asked if he wanted to be seated. He waved it off, saying he was waiting for someone.

Fifteen minutes passed... thirty... forty-five... Nearly an hour went by, during which Xemnas observed the occupants of the restaurant and the people who came by for their meal, before he stood up and finally accepted the offer of a table. He appeared, for all intents and purposes, to be sorely disappointed to be eating alone tonight. In reality, he was keeping a lookout for his quarry.

He had a feeling tonight was going to be interesting.

Taking a seat at a table in the middle of the dining area, he waited under the pretense of looking at his menu.


lunaensnared September 22 2008, 01:45:45 UTC
With such an extremely limited staff it was inevitable that Saïx would be the one to take his order. He did so impassionatly and with no attempt to hide his thick accent. Saïx was just doing his job. There was no reason to fluff it with sociability. The food kept people coming back and as long as there was no overt rudeness, he heard no complaints.

"What would you like?"


nobodys_busines September 22 2008, 02:49:03 UTC
Xemnas watched the people around him as they came and went, barely paying attention to the menu, though his eyes quickly snagged on an entree as someone approached again. The corners of the silver-haired man's lips turned upwards as he noticed the vibrant blue coloring that was the hair on the man coming to serve him. Oh how perfect. His plans always worked out the way he wanted them to.

Xemnas lifted his head slowly when the man asked what he wanted, as though he hadn't been watching the approach at all. It was nice to see the other person again, very, very nice.

Golden-orange eyes met yellow ones then, wearing an expression of careful neutrality. "I would like the mongolian beef and a glass of water to start." He didn't really want anything to distract him at the moment, but who was to say what would happen?


lunaensnared September 22 2008, 03:42:57 UTC
Eyes narrowing up as he met the other's Saïx forced himself to take the order and not stare. A nod and he stared for a long moment in defiant silence before turning to put the order in. The man returned with water and again left for another 15 minutes bringing Xemnas's meal back with him.

"Here you are.... anything else?"


nobodys_busines September 22 2008, 04:44:58 UTC
Xemnas appreciated the look he was getting from the blue-haired man. And the eye color was striking, very yellow and... almost beautiful in a way. He waited patiently, or appeared to even if he didn't feel it. When the order finally returned, Xemnas graced the other with a small upward lift of his lips. It could pass as a smile or a smirk, whichever way the man wanted to take it.

He ignored the question completely. "Is there something you would care to recommend to me?" His tone of voice was interested, but only just.


lunaensnared September 22 2008, 05:36:41 UTC
"If you're still hungry the pork dumplings are very good." It was actually Saïx's personal favorite. Of all the things available in the entire city. They reminded him of what his mother would make for the family in the winter months. That and they were also just plain delicious.

Then there was the smile that set the hair on the back of his neck into a bristle. Everything about this man was waking his nerves right up. He could only watch intensely and wait for a response or any further orders. Had he known what question to ask at that moment he likely wouldn't have despite how it nagged his mind, pushing his reaction further.


nobodys_busines September 22 2008, 15:11:45 UTC
"Hmm..." Xemnas' eyes returned to his food at that time, though he had yet to "dismiss" the server and wondered if he would walk off or stick around. The silver-haired man was sitting up perfectly straight, though it was more of a manner of importance than intimidation. Xemnas never did anything halfway.

"I will have to remember that," came the eventual murmur as the food was begun to be eaten. "I cannot say I've ever tasted anything like that."

Which was true, but also a ploy, albeit extremely small at the moment, at getting more information from his server. Something about this man interested him and he wanted to know what it was.


lunaensnared September 22 2008, 17:47:15 UTC
Was he lonely? Just bored and looking to chatter on? That didn't seem to fit. This man was not like others so why was he behaving like others? Saïx let a small growl slip out as he asked what any good waiter would ask. "Do you want some then?"

It was safe to say that Saïx had never intentionally or otherwise, stayed this long with any customer in his entire time of working. Even when people he knew or recognized had come in to eat he wasn't prone to more then grinding out a 'what can I get for you?' and maybe offering a grunt as he left food in the customer's care.

He almost felt it important to add that 'they could be reheated' but he refrained from filling the air with something so useless. Saïx didn't believe the man was even going to finish what was in front of him. There was no reason to prolong this communication while he was on Caiman's time.

The man waited a few more minutes for his customer's response. Dumplings, no dumplings...


nobodys_busines September 23 2008, 02:15:37 UTC
For whatever reason, the blue-haired man was staying. Xemnas wasn't going to complain about that, especially if it was a voluntary action. Golden-orange eyes paused on his food as he took another bite of it, chewing thoughtfully. The silver-haired man was of a large build and could very well eat a large restaurant meal. It would be interesting to try the dumplings now and not wait. Besides, with any luck, it would keep the blue-haired man there with him longer.

And if the boss of the place had a problem with the man staying so long, Xemnas would be more than willing to have a word with him about it.

Sunset-colored eyes rose to meet yellow ones again. "Why not?" The tone implied with those two words was amiable, almost amused.


lunaensnared September 23 2008, 17:11:34 UTC
Saïx managed a small grunt of a reply as he turned and left to retrieve an order of dumplings. As uncomfortable as this was making him he didn't stall his return except to replenish some tea for a couple and bring ring up the business woman who was in such a sudden rush to return to whatever inane business was her upset. When that had all been taken care of 8 dumplings surrounding a dark colored sauce were set before Xemnas.

Leaving with out a word seemed a viable option at that point but again Saïx started. "Is there anything else?"

Maybe he was satisfied by now. Saïx could be done with this all and not feel his mind try to rake it's way out under the scrutiny of those similar but completely unique set of eyes, or maybe another customer would come in and offer him a plausible distraction to take care of, an escape.

But when was he in all of his life ever one to turn tail and run?


nobodys_busines September 23 2008, 17:49:06 UTC
Xemnas kept a careful eye on the blue-haired man as he walked away, watching where he went. The silver-haired man managed to finish his plate before the server returned with the dumplings, which did happen to look quite delicious. Setting his fork down, he pushed aside the first plate to make room for the second.

On the one hand, it seemed as though there was no reason for the blue-haired man to stay, but on the other, the silver-haired man was very... content to eat and talk at the same time. The gesture, whether intentional or accidental, was appreciated and enjoyed.

"Not for now," came the eventual answer. "The service is delightful." What he meant by that was anyone's guess. He wasn't sure what he was going to do once he had finished and paid, but that was on the backburner. For now, he would be enjoying the dumplings and the blue-haired man's company for as long as he had them.


lunaensnared September 23 2008, 18:30:18 UTC
That was new. Delightful service, could it really be called that? That was not a word he had at all been associated with. Ever. Especially when his 'service' was entirely how fast he could provide the customer with what tehy wanted and get away. Proven wrong about his impression Saïx lifted the empty plate and nodded heading off into the kitchen with it.

It was 15 more minutes of him filling another order and taking a delivery call before he returned to Xemnas's table. "Is there anything else that I can get for you?" Saïx had noticed that each time he returned he had been forced to say a little more then the last time. He was beginning to wonder if that was intentional on either of their parts.


nobodys_busines September 24 2008, 16:06:36 UTC
Xemnas had managed to do away with most of the dumplings by the time the man returned to ask if he wanted anything else. It was an interesting occurrence for the silver-haired man; he was noticing that his server was saying a little more each time he returned. That in itself made Xemnas feel some sort of... pride maybe? Accomplishment? It was difficult to place a finger on emotions when he hadn't really used them in a good long time.

"Mmm..." he mused for a little, taking a bite or two of the remainder of the dumplings before he answered. "The bill." Sunset colored eyes rose to meet the others with a bland sort of expression. It would be hard to discern what he was feeling at that moment, though behind the wall his expression provided, he was calculating and planning. He had something in mind for as soon as the man walked off again.


lunaensnared September 26 2008, 02:47:40 UTC
"Of course." Saïx had only hoped he would ask for that and had the tab in his apron. He placed it down with a fortune cookie and took his leave to fill another pot of tea.

Like a good waiter he hovered near the register rather then slipping into the kitchen. If the man checked out and left that would be all he needed to calm the agitation that refused to settle since the beginning of this encounter.


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