Black Rainbow [Closed/Ongoing]

Sep 21, 2008 00:12

WHO: Freeman and Jinx
WHAT: This is what happens when Freeman socializes
WHERE: Chiamata del Corvo nightclub
WHEN: Night of Day 130

God couldn't make someone filthy as you )

n.a.o.e.2 jinx, freeman

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hexyoutotuesday September 21 2008, 20:17:14 UTC
She was tired of the air thick with tension. Disgusted by the bureaucracy of what she could now call her everyday life. To wake up knowing everyday she would be judged, untrusted, sneered at by people who did not fear her, but were disgusted with her. The transformation between a serial killer and a crime fighting member of the AMC was a difficult one that she knew she would never fully be able to make. It showed in the way she spoke, how her thumbs itched to put pressure on a blade, and how the scent of sweat and blood still turned her on ( ... )


uomo_libro September 21 2008, 23:31:25 UTC
"...fortunate ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 22 2008, 00:17:41 UTC
So, she caught his attention. When she saw the movement of the wallflower out of the corner of her sparkling eyes, she twisted around and lost herself in the crowd. The heat and passion in just the movement of the dance. Jinx wanted to make people watch her, make people see what she could do and fear her. Commanding such a thing as fear was something she ached for. And now she was even drawing others toward her with the deadly scent of her perfume and sweat. Turning about, throwing her back down toward the ground and lifting herself up with the sheer muscles in her abdomen. With a wider grin forming, she slunk through the crowd and found herself the one attracted.

Like a bee to pollen, the horrible sting and unmistakable buzz of the girl began to eye the poisonous flower.

The way he moved intrigued her. There was something off about him, something just not human. The strange man was not trying, not doing this to make himself look attractive, yet he continued to attract her closer. The way his muscles bent to look as if they would ( ... )


uomo_libro September 22 2008, 02:50:22 UTC
Freeman made a strange sound as he felt her talons rake lightly. Touch... he had never been touched. At least, not like that. He wasn't familiar with any kind of touch that wasn't either preceding, or following an act of violence on his part. All he'd known was fighting and killing, as far back as he chose to care about, so this sensation was... unique. Not all that unpleasant, either. It wouldn't be until later that he realized the sound he made was a laugh. Not a scoff, but a real laugh ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 22 2008, 03:22:58 UTC
As he laughed, a smirk crossed her darkly colored lips. The sound of his voice was strange, the way he looked even more intriguing. There was something beyond human in this man, something that set him apart from the rest of the crowd. He interested her... because somehow, some way, she felt the strangest of connections to him. As he came to put his hands on her shoulders, she turned to him, feeling a magnetic electricity that drew her body toward his, her muscles rolling to keep barely a centimeter away from rubbing herself to his flesh. And for the first time, she made eye contact with him. Something in the back of her mind, that moral conscience that had been rising, screamed 'danger' and she ignored it ( ... )


uomo_libro September 22 2008, 04:47:43 UTC
"Intriguing..." Freeman pulled her closer. "Not here." His words cut through the music, the beat splitting away to let his voice carry through. Feeling her moving against him, his breath caught in his throat at the sensation of her teeth. Another new feeling, another new experience, another example of interaction. it was time to see how reactive she could be. Lowering his head, he pressed his mouth to hers, not kissing as much as biting her lower lip, just hard enough to hurt, before letting her pull away, his eyes barely visible between his hair and the lighting as they watched her react ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 22 2008, 05:16:10 UTC
They were closer, if that was even possible. But this was not intimate, not at all passionate... this was almost frightening. That was why she continued and ignored the danger in her mind, acting like her gut instinct did not exist. This was a new feeling for her and she wanted to follow it, to see where this would go. When he leaned down to her, she expected the pressure of the kiss, but got something that made her moan harder than she had expected. The masochistic feeling of him biting her lip, the pain turning her on further. She wanted him, it was obvious, and the pain made it a dangerous lust. As his nails raked her flesh, she thrust her hips forward to him just as he pulled away, lustfully grinding the air ( ... )


uomo_libro September 22 2008, 23:37:44 UTC
Sex was still a strange concept to Freeman, as foreign to his thoughts as they would be to a vestal virgin's. Still, he could see that his body was quite aroused by the actions of this bloody little girl, and began to lean his thoughts towards the concept. When she made her move, he would be lying if he hadn't been surprised, though he barely showed it. He reacted appropriately, however, reaching down to pull her against him by her firm rump. She was light, surprisingly so considering how dense her muscle mass seemed. Her pawing at his crotch sent a shock through his system, yet another new experience. He would have trouble cataloging all these reactions, both from himself and from her, if it weren't for the steel at his spine. With such a gesture, it was almost like he was given a translator for this strange language she was speaking to him ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 23 2008, 00:15:25 UTC
Who wast his man? She did not even know his name, yet she was ready to be led anywhere by him. That concept nearly made her skin crawl. She would follow him not because she was happy, not because she wanted a good time, no... she would let him be her puppeteer because she craved to know more, more about what drew her near, so ready to be burned by him, almost fearing that she was a coward if she backed down now. Possibly, the fact that this man was more repulsive than handsome made her crave him. He was sexy, attractive, in the way that the glisten of a sharpened knife could make her wet. Her sick desires, the pleasures she had been working so hard to overcome, dragged her down the streets with this creature who was less human than she ( ... )


uomo_libro September 23 2008, 19:30:44 UTC
The motions, the touches she gave him, each one was cataloged. Certainly, they weren't unwanted in his state, but Freeman was still an observer in this regard, albeit an active one. However, when this little creature pinned him to the wall, when her knife came to his throat, his lips split to reveal a full grin. He felt a tremor of excitement run up his spine as her steel bit into his flesh. He didn't know if it would cut; the threat was enough to make him tingle. This was exciting. This was thrilling. This... was livingHis free hand reached back, and once he touched her sweat-soaked skin, he bore down, digging his claws in so deep, they were sure to draw blood. He tore them down her back slowly, in excruciatingly lustful agony, until he reached the band of her skirt, feeling it an obstacle. She would be able to feel his muscles tighten beneath his pallid skin as he flicked his arm in a motion normally reserved for ripping and slashing. This time, though, the goal was much less visceral, rather simply to yank the zipper of the ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 23 2008, 20:07:17 UTC
Pain seared through her body as he dug his nails deep into her flesh. At first she cried out, an immediate reaction to the fire in her blood, and then she moaned deeply, hitting her hips harder against him. Letting the knife run over his neck, feeling blood on her thumb, she grinned. If he was going to hurt her, she was going to do the same, measure for measure. If her blood trickled over his fingertips, so would his. Finally, his pants were undone. As she felt his muscles tighten, she grabbed at his chest and lifted his shirt with the tip of her nose, letting her tongue run over his pectorals. With a yank, her skirt was down around her ankles. Jinx moved her blade slowly across his neck, then down toward his collarbone, but the world suddenly turned around on her ( ... )


uomo_libro September 24 2008, 00:44:58 UTC
He felt the warm wetness around his shaft, running between his fingers, trailing down his throat and chest, dripping down his back... and it was fantastic. This creature, this demon in the guise of a human, was tapping into feelings Freeman didn't know he had. The thrill, the rush he got when fighting, when killing... it wasn't the same, but it was just as potent. Pain, pleasure, they were both the same - ways of sensual release. Treats to the nerves running through the human body. And right now, those nerves were working overtime. As the steel opened his skin, as the blood made way for the sting of sweat to enter in, he made an animalistic grunt, one that cut through the thick lusty fog with the subtlety of a chainsaw through gelatin. His hips stabbed at her, impaling into her pussy with a fervor that surprised even the scarecrow they were attached to, though it never showed. Nothing showed on his face at this point, except a perverse smile, a sick gesture of fulfillment ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 24 2008, 02:28:24 UTC
Pure, true emotions were rarely ever felt by Jinx. With happiness came that lingering sorrow. With her anger, there was always a rush of adrenaline fueled joy. Pleasure and pain always went hand-in-hand. To feel something so strong and true, without an ounce of anything else tainting it, especially in a situation such as this... it was near impossible. Of course it was with everything happening around her. As he stabbed his cock into her over and over again, slamming up as hard as it seemed he could, she felt the pressure of yet another orgasm. When he leaned back into her blade, she could feel the warm blood smother her hand. All the pain he caused by clawing at her, biting her mouth, it was overwhelming... and she was getting off so hard that she could potentially stab this man and he would continue fucking her. After he dragged his canine along her lip, she looked up at him and--

A pure rush of emotion.

A pure rush of fearBetween him and the wall, she was paralyzed. For that moment in time, she was numb to all but her heartbeat ( ... )


uomo_libro September 24 2008, 09:24:13 UTC
There it is.

The way her eyes focused, the twitches in the musculature of her face before she pulled it away, tore it away to hide from his gaze... that was what he lived for. When he wasn't looking at his own death, he was the death others were frightened of. When they would not face their own deaths voluntarily, he would force them to look, force them to confront their own ending. That was why he killed; they were too frightened to look. Too frightened to deal with their own mortality. When one fears something, the best way to deal with that fear is to directly confront it. Had he not been shaped by whatever circumstances created him, Freeman might have been an interesting psychotherapist. But as it was, he only knew one case study, and one treatment. Unfortunately, it was lethal to all he prescribed it to ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 24 2008, 17:39:32 UTC
A name... putting a name to a face, being able to call him something in her mind instead of "it" instead of "the creature." It made him feel more human. It gave her just one more ounce of control, mere drops in the bottom of a well he had emptied. As he pressed her hard against the wall, she ceased to struggle, keeping her hand firm and steady to the blade on his throat. The pressure of his orgasm had released with her, dripping, oozing over her and him as they were still connected, as he still pulsed into her, obviously not finished. Yet now she knew his name, something to hiss, curse and moan. English words, the equivalent of liberare l'uomo... Freeman. So, he did not have a name either, just a title associated with him ( ... )


uomo_libro September 25 2008, 06:10:18 UTC
Freeman's smile returned as her fingers slid back down his body. When she cut his cheek, his eyes were drawn to the glint of the blade's edge, until her catlike eyes caught his again, and he stared directly into them. She... was like him. A killer. A murderer. Someone who stood on the precipice of death and had seen to the bottom of the endless maw of the beyond. Someone who... knew the secret of living. When she spoke his name, brushed away his hair, and kissed him again, his mind was thrown for a loop. This girl... she was equal. He needn't show her anything; she'd seen it all before. His lips curled tighter as she grinned, grinding against him. When the knife came to his vein at a different angle, he welcomed it. Welcomed the fresh sting of her claws, returning the gesture in kind as his hands moved to her hips, digging semi-symmetrical marks into the flesh there ( ... )


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