
Sep 19, 2008 22:39

WHO: Tony Stark (stirare_luomo ) and Jinx (badluckykitty )
WHAT: Help with catching a murderer, grudges hopefully aside.
WHERE: Un Morso di Mangiere
WHEN: Day 128, evening.

Trust in me... )

n.a.o.e.2 jinx, tony stark

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stirare_luomo September 20 2008, 16:41:44 UTC
Tony was not looking forward to this. On top of having to deal with the girl - who he found was blockheaded and too straight forward to begin with - there was what Shinji had mentioned, and what Lelouch had said, and this was the second time she was trying to help. The first had failed spectacularly. He all but expected her to go drop a building on this murderer she was looking after or something equally ridiculous. He had stopped being surprised at the shit this city was capable of pullin off, these days.

And she was so noticeable. Not like he should talk, flying around in a gold and red suit fighting bad-guys and zooming off with murder suspects. Laughing to himself and blessing whoever it was that bought this place a liquor license, he slid into the booth across from Jinx and leaned back, pulling out a slim, sleek-looking piece of machinery - a portable display of sorts, with a little Jarvis built into it and a couple comforts of his workshop ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 20 2008, 20:22:10 UTC
And there he was, looking like he just stepped out of some sort of movie. Raising her eyebrow further, she examined the way he walked, the condition of his clothing, the expensive looking sunglasses, the perfectly shaved facial hair. So... this was Tony Stark. Jinx frowned at herself internally, the same way Jushirou would if he heard such a thing, but she could not help but think how fun it would be to help such a high maintenance looking man be in two places at once. But no, killing members of the AMC was not allowed. And there was to be no slicing and dicing, just shooting and restraining. The last man she had tried to kill was Sebastian, yet as that itch in her thumbs grew more and more irritating, she was learning to control it much better as of late. And no one but Jushirou and Bradley had understood that ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 20 2008, 20:45:49 UTC
Pushing his glasses up and rubbing his face, he took a drink of rum. Like he was definitely the best person to ask how to solve a murder. He shrugged at her and put the salt-shaker upright again. He hadn't come to Italy for that, but the least he could do is make sure Jinx didn't do anything else utterly stupid. He pressed the slick keypad attached to his screen, and all the files Jinx messily had collected appeared between them in hologram. Flicking through them as if they were regular paper, he pulled out the identical. "I don't know," he answered, shrugging, smiling at the pretty waitress who delivered his pancakes. Forking them with one hand and gesturing with the other, he spoke. "I didn't come here to solve murders, Jinx. I'm a robot and technology kind of guy, you see? I found you because I just hacked through your locks ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 20 2008, 21:13:01 UTC
Pink eyes flicked over to observe him sitting up the salt shaker for a second time. Surely, it would fall over again soon. That was the way things worked when Jinx was around them, and in the back of her mind, her abilities enjoyed the superstition irony of pushing over salt shakers. Mirrors rarely survived that humor as well. Luckily, she had enough self control to keep the ones on her baby in tact. A Lamborghini with brother mirrors just would not be the same ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 21 2008, 21:39:03 UTC
Totally distracted from Jinx's angst, he picked up the broken salt-shaker and inspected the sudden appearing crack in it. He pocketed it for further examination, to see if the glass's structure was flawed or perhaps if it had something to do with the diner. Either way, glass should not randomly spiderweb like that. "I came out here because I want to help you not go crazy and flip out anymore than you already have. I'm not a policeman, Jinx. I never was. I'm a businessman and I make technology. I don't hunt down people. I build the targeting and tracking systems other people use to do it. If you reach out to me I'll pull you away from whatever cliff you're staring down at, but I can't just whip out some random answer. If that were me, I would put on my suit and fly around and look to see if I could see this guy doing it again ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 21 2008, 23:22:13 UTC
As Stark reached for the salt shaker once again, presumably to put it back to its normal state, she quirked her eyebrow to watch him pocket it. What in the world was he... oh... oh. Jinx picked up her coffee mug and held it to her lips, hiding that awful smirk that was sliding across them. He did not know, did he? Not many people did, but she had figured he would read all the reports from her experiment as Komui had. Then again, there were few people still alive who knew about her experimentation, anything other from her pink hair and eyes with slit pupils. So this man, this well informed Tony Stark, had no idea about the power of bad luck ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 22 2008, 21:57:28 UTC
"There's no trick to most things in the world, especially the ones that get you places." Satisfied by whatever he had seen, he pocketed the salt-shaker and ignored the waiter's dirty look. "It's not like detectives just say some magic words and then suddenly they know everything. I got to where I am by being a genius and having my father start it."

He ordered another glass of rum and blessed this places' liquor license. "I make everything. I made that, I made this," he held up the monocle. "I made an enormous power reactor, I made a big iron man suit, and a little one... but I'm not making you any guns. Sorry. You can screw people up enough without me helping. I'll make you anything else if it's not going to kill someone, though."


hexyoutotuesday September 22 2008, 22:42:32 UTC
Jinx rolled her eyes as he pocked the salt shaker without asking her any questions first. No wonder he was not a detective. The man could not even see what was right in front of her eyes. It was have made her laugh to start the same thing with the pepper and see where that went, but that would take effort, effort that she did not want to expend for him. The eye roll came about again as he began to glorify himself. Oh, Stark was a genius, Stark build this and that, look at how smart he is, what an amazing man ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 23 2008, 13:56:25 UTC
"Just what we need, you with guns you don't break," He replied dryly, rolling his eyes and paying for the check with an amex for the waiter. "I'll see what I can do for you, but even my suit as plenty of movable parts. If you're suggesting I just melt you a gun out of one solid piece of metal, don't bother - I haven't gotten there yet. Maybe soon, but not yet. Right now all my weapons still have that basic propulsion and explosion thing going on. I'm working on getting some sort of light-focused laser beam, which could probably be made from two or three parts and would just involve something to open and close to allow light into it ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 23 2008, 15:25:30 UTC
Not only did he make such a remark, but he payed the bill. A majority of the calming effects from the alcohol immediately wore off and ignited her veins. The adrenaline began to course faster through her, it showing by the way her hand twitched on the gun. For safety reasons, she set the gun down on the table then folded her hands in her lap, trying to take those calming breaths Papa had been trying to teach her about. It began to not work as he told her, straight forward, that he was practically useless to her. Jinx did not care about laser beams or other whatchamacallits. She liked bullets, the smell of gun powder and the way the barrel was hot when she slipped it back into her holster.

When he leaned into her, she leaned toward him on instinct, taking her damn sweet time to mimic his position. But soon that playful look in her eyes flared into something stronger, something much angrier. What a goddamn, fucking, bitchass PRICK! Giving off a low growl, crinkling her nose, she gripped the table tightly with her clawlike nails. Sure, ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 23 2008, 15:42:12 UTC
"How about you stop taking things so personally first?" He took the receipt and signed and left a tip, then stood up and folded his sunglasses back over his eyes. "Look, Jinx. I don't hate you. Really, I promise. There's a couple of people that I hate and you're not one of thing. Yeah, I think you're dangerous and yeah, I don't trust you, and yeah, I think you've done some dumb stuff, but I don't hate you. If I hated you, I'd tell you, all right?"

Taking a huge sigh and folding his jacket back on, he leaned against the edge of the booth. "I'm sorry you had dad issues, all right? Don't take that out on me, I didn't have anything to do with it. I'm not accepting an invitation to your pity party. And you're not Jushirou's daughter. He took you in, yeah, but you're not his daughter. I'm sorry your life sucks. Is that what you want to hear? What exactly would you like me to do to make you happy? I try to give you some help and you get all pissed off at me and start yelling at me for stuff I didn't know happened until you got pissed off ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 23 2008, 22:46:07 UTC
And then he began to walk away from her. That prick with his fancy telephone, his slick hair, that look in his eyes of the disillusion of being better than anyone and everything. The sane would just leave it alone. The sane would have sat there, taken it and watched him walk away, only to scream and cry about it later. Obviously, Jinx was not in that classification of "the sane." When he spoke to her, tearing at every little loose edge he could, she was frozen, eyes unfocused over her briefcase. And now as he walked away, she let her head drop, hair falling to cover her face. Something right then and there within the unstable girl just... snapped.

A grin crossed her lips, followed by a quiet chuckle that crescendoed into something not unlike a cackle. A deft hand took a switchblade from her briefcase. And when she stood and halted her laughter, her voice was somehow different. When her hair fell away from her face, there was something a little off about her gaze, something crooked in her smile, and something just a bit beyond human ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 24 2008, 00:12:48 UTC
Around her, the diner moved, shifting around to avoid the glass while attempting to continue their meals or flee in terror. The staff disappeared into the kitchen, and Tony stood, looking at his suddenly worthless phone, feeling irritated that he'd just lost the call with the businessmen over in the USA. He was relieved, though, when he remembered that he had a back-up of all his phone information back at his workshop ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 24 2008, 01:01:04 UTC
"Maybe..." her eyebrow twitched and a few chairs around her tipped over. Of course she was annoyed! This pathetic prick was just staring at her, not moving a muscle, not fearing what she could potentially do it him. That made for a very frustrated Jinx. And yet... curiosity was the thing to get the better of her in this state. So she stalked him, making a complete circle, observing his stance, sinking low to the ground on her stiletto heels. Her thumb continually itched itself along the blade as she gripped it tightly. Stop with the drama? Impossible. Without it, life would not be nearly as fun.

Her circling began to close in on him until she was finally at his back. Straightening her posture, she ran the fingertips of her free hand along the small of his back, dragging her tongue over the blade of her knife, feeling how cool it was. "You see... I like knives. It's so boring to just wink at someone and snap them in half, or let other forces take their way with them. No, I like to get to know the people I work with. I'm a people ( ... )


stirare_luomo September 24 2008, 01:36:13 UTC
Shrugging at Jinx's threats, Tony glanced down at the pieces of his sunglasses and sighed. Those were good shades and he was very fond of them, and now he'd have to call someone and make a whole list of people to get knew ones. He rubbed his back where she had touched him, feeling vaguely uncomfortable and a little violated. He was indeed moving from distrust to dislike of this girl, and he found that it probably would have been easier to just hate her ( ... )


hexyoutotuesday September 24 2008, 02:04:12 UTC
That bit of sanity she had on occasion was a ton of bricks that toppled over her at the mention of telling this to the man she looked to as a father. Holding up a finger, she tried she tried to find something to say back, try and find those smooth words once more, but for the time being she was too much herself to do much else than stutter and take it. God, she wished he hated her! She wanted him to be so goddamn angry that he would lash out at her, just so she would have more fun messing him up! Right now if she stabbed him, the odds were not so good for her. Stabbing him would be stupid anyway. What a fucking prick ( ... )


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