[aim log/completed]

Aug 31, 2008 16:45

WHO: Grimmjow [stradapanthera] and Greed [avariceshield]
WHAT: Seeing who can hold the most alcohol.
WHERE: Greed's bar (Devil's Nest)
WHEN: Saturday evening (Day 110)

Grimmjow tucked the keys to his truck into his pocket as he headed for Greed's bar. This wasn't the first time he was coming here to prove something. The first time had been to prove to Greed that he wasn't a weak and pathetic bastard. That just because Greed had that shield of his didn't mean Grimmjow couldn't put up a good fight. And it had been a damn good fight. This time he was here to prove that he could handle his fucking alcohol, and a whole lot more. It took a hell of a lot more than a couple beers to get him even anywhere near tipsy.

The door was open so he let himself in. If that fucker Envy was there, he'd better steer the fuck clear; Grimmjow didn't like him and he wasn't in the mood to deal with the little cheating shit. And if Greed insisted upon being the asshole he always was, Grimmjow would break that smug face of his until it stopped fucking healing.

"Where the fuck are you, asshole?"

It was after hours, at least, so Grimmjow wouldn't need to deal with a dumbshit-infested bar.

Days had been slow, thanks to what the damn clown had done to the church. Not that Greed cared or anything, but most of his customers were off in the hospital or at funerals for friends and loved ones. Too much free time. It was all too much for Greed. Free-time. Something that he didn't have much of. He'd either be paying foreigners for repairs on his bar, trying to cam down Envy from his temper tantrums, replacing things he broke, or getting everything organized in his bar to compliment the customers. Updating and changing. Too much money.

Greed perked up, hearing that familiar voice. He slowly smiled as he stood up straight from behind the bar's counter. "you might wanna try lookin' around first before you go about bitching, you bastard." But he still grinned behind his glasses and waved him over with a tattooed hand. "C'mon and choose your poison. Then we'll see who can hold down their fucking alcohol."

Looking for the asshole meant doing more work than he felt like. It was a hell of a lot easier calling out for the motherfucker than bothering to look. Grimmjow made his way to the bar and dropped himself unceremoniously onto a seat. "Gettin' sick of ya underestimating me," he warned, leaning onto the counter on one arm to put himself closer to Greed. "If you ain't careful you're gonna need to get a hell of a lot more than a few walls re-done."

Grimmjow could tear down the entire fucking building if he wanted. And if Greed continued to insist on insulting Grimmjow's abilities to do things, then the building was coming the fuck down. After proving he could go against Greed and not be the only one bleeding, he'd thought that would be enough to shut the asshole the fuck up. Apparently he'd been wrong--this smug asshole needed another beating.

The science experiment rolled his eyes and placed two large vodka bottles on the counter, popping the tops off with his shielded hand before the carbon of it hissed away, handing one of them to the cat-loving man. "Yeah yeah, whatever. Just take your drink."

Greed took his own bottle and started to guzzle it down, reaching down to get a whole carton of those vodka bottles. Obviously, these two combatants weren't gonna go down after just a few drinks. They'd need a few dozen or even more. Greed, after that first fight they had, he didn't underestimate his power. No. Not at all. He's the second person to ever make him bleed. His brother was obviously the first to take the title of making him bleed. Who knew, maybe Grimm would be the first to make him bleed the most. One day.

One day.

With a sneer, Grimmjow snatched the drink away and easily drank it down. The motherfucker had another thing coming if he really thought he could win. Grimmjow was built for tolerance. Whether it be pain or alcohol, he could handle a hell of a lot. He might not have been able to win the physical fight against Greed, but he'd fucking win this one. Alcohol was like his best fucking friend. Sometimes he shared it with Renji and Il Forte. Mostly he liked it for himself.

"What the fuck did you fight that queer cowboy for?" he asked with a grin half-hidden behind his bottle. "After fightin' me, you needed an easy fucker to kick the shit out of to make yourself feel better? Or did the little cowboy try to make ya his pretty horse and he wasn't your fuckin' type? Sounds more likely to me. Bet Envy's more of your type. You like pretty little boys and girls, ain't that right?"

Greed smacked his empty bottle down and snatched his second one, snapping it open with his shielded hand again. With a snarl, he answered his oh-so-many questions. "You're a real piece of work you know that?" Obviously that wasn't it, "He thought he was all hot shit. The fucker thought he could take me on, even after all that he heard from Envy and shit. He knew I was different than a goddamn human."

He took an irritated gulp of his vodka before he continued, wiping the back of his hand on his mouth. "And I've told you. Time. And time again. I'm only interested in women who are above the age of 21." he hissed, spitting at the counter, next to the other's bottled drink and hand. "Get that through your fucking skull."

The response he got only made Grimmjow's grin widen and he set his empty bottle down on top of the spit. "You get so fuckin' pissed over shit I say that you swear ain't true," he pointed out. "If you only fuck women, what's there to get your dainty panties in a twist for? Unless you're just a fucking queer in denial. Spendin' some time with Reno and Axel might fix that."

Grimmjow grabbed another bottle and opened it like a regular motherfucker did before taking a large drink. Greed said he was a piece of work? Funny, coming from the asshole who ran a bar and probably fucked some new pre-teen every night. Maybe he'd like Kairi. Could fuck her in half and then the city would be rid of another disgusting whore on the streets.

Greed frowned and waved his hand in the air. Halfway finished with his second. "Those two redheads? Tch. They're free birds, from what I see. They don't like to be restricted." Greed himself wanted women who he could have to himself, and only himself. Sure, there were those women he had, but that was only for one night or afternoon. That wasn't enough time for the monster. He wanted to own a one. Possess one. Only he could have her.

"I'll only spend time with them if they want a drink." he pointed out. "And that's pretty much it."

And down went the second bottle.

At that, Grimmjow scoffed. "Axel doesn't fucking drink. Queer asshole," he muttered. And he knew the second anyone touched Reno, they'd have a bullet in their head with Axel's name on it. Pretty damn sure it was the same for the other way around, too. The same thing he'd do to anyone who dared to lay a hand on Renji. That little bastard was his.

Which was why he would have understood Greed's reasoning. Like a cat, Grimmjow was territorial and possessive. Anything that was his, was his. And whoever tried to fucking take it away wouldn't live to get far enough.

"Where's that bitch Envy?"


Greed hadn't talk to him since he had that fight with the fucking cowboy. He took off the next top of his drink and tilted his head thoughtfully to the side. But the man shrugged his shoulders. "Dunno. Don't care." Honestly he didn't care. The bastard went and out of the Devil's Nest as he pleased. Like he freaking owned the place. But then again, Greed did show him his place a month or so back. Greed smiled as the memory came back to mind.

He perked up again, snapping out of his trance. "How's your boy toy huh? Fucked him lately?"

That creepy fucking smile Greed had made Grimmjow wonder what the fuck he was thinking about. Did he tie that little bastard Envy down and fuck him? Seemed fucked up enough to do it. And with that smile he wouldn't have been surprised. Grimmjow snickered into his next bottle; Envy was pretty enough to be a girl and Greed liked women, didn't he?

"He's still a pain in my ass," Grimmjow replied with a pleased grin. "Fucked 'im last night, you nosy motherfucker. Ya seem real interested for a guy who says he ain't into that kinda shit. And he said the same fucking thing before, you know that? Said he only liked women. Ain't interested in fucking a guy." His grin turned wolfish. "I changed his mind real quick. Taught him it ain't 'bout what fucking parts you got."

"Can't someone be curious?" Greed muttered. Geez, this guy liked to pry. Greed leaned his back against the counter and sighed deeply, taking a small sip of is vodka. His pointed shoe tapped against the wooden floor behind the counter as he tilted his head back to glance back at Grimm. Even though this guy fucking pissed him off like no tomorrow, but he was a nice guy to be around and BS too.

"You must have a blast every night then." he mumbled, not too thrilled of the idea of Grimm fucking his boy toy.

The stubborn redhead wasn't just a toy. Renji was a friend, too. As fucking stupid as he was, he was enjoyable to be around. Sort of like Axel, minus the fucking. "I don't always fuck him, you dumbshit. Ain't a damn thing wrong with sittin' on our asses and drinking all day either," he replied with a wave of the hand he held his drink in. "But yeah, I guess I do have a fuckin' blast every night. More'n I can say for you, you dumbshit. Least when I fight it ain't in my own damn home. Only repairs I gotta do are on myself. 'Cept now, thanks to your fuckin' magic candy, I don't even have to worry about that shit."

Which was a real fucking plus, considering how much shit Grimmjow always got himself into--typically on purpose. Knowing he could heal right away made it a hell of a lot easier on him. It meant he wouldn't need Rukia's or Renji's help anymore like a fucking weak puppy.

"Oh? So you like the candy that much huh? Well I'll have to charge you more next time then when you come by for more." They were useful. Greed did find some red stones when the lab he was in collapsed, but he told Envy differently. He hid them in certain places that Envy wouldn't find, along with other items that Greed kept in special spots.

Bright blue eyes narrowed irritably. The asshole had charged Grimmjow a hell of a lot for the stones. Come to find out the other day the money had been used to fix the area of this place that they'd fought in. Fuck Greed for making him pay for the damage. Greed had decided on the fighting place, not him. It wasn't his fucking problem. And it pissed Grimmjow off that the motherfucker had made him pay. It wasn't that he couldn't afford it, because he fucking could.

"You're a piece of shit," he growled. Maybe Grimmjow would destroy the entire bar this time, just for good fucking measure.

"I love you too, Grim." he said with a small chuckle, setting down his bottle to snatch up another. "You're getting a good deal. It's worth it, I tell ya. I mean it's useful now, is it not? Especially with your job and all." Grimmjow was fun to piss off too, almost as much as Envy. But then again, both of them had the capability of breaking anything in his bar. But then again, he'd get paid back by Grimm again.

Grimmjow made a sound of disgust. What the fuck was it with people saying those fucking words just to piss him off? With a snarl he reached out and snatched away the bottle Greed had picked up. "I don't get hurt that fucking often," he snapped. "Don't think I need to use 'em all the fucking time. Might not even need more. Don't set your sights on my money, asshole. Only thing from me you'll get is a fucking broken neck."

Greed flinched and turned to Grimmjow to snatch his drink back, guzzling the rest of it down, some escaping out of his mouth and down his neck. He smacked his bottle down and narrowed his violet eyes, over the rim of his glasses. "Grim, don't fuck with me now. We're just having a drink off, remember? No more, no less. I want a good fight from you on this."

Greed straightened up and grabbed the next one in line. "Besides. I doubt you could break my neck." he spoke, tapping the shield that covered half of it.

It was too easy to make Grimmjow bristle like any pissed off cat would. If he wanted to break the fucker's neck then he damn well could. And he wouldn't stop trying until he fucking did it. Wanted a good fight, Greed had said. Fine. Grimmjow could give him a real fucking good fight.

Grabbing another drink of his own, he swiftly knocked back half of it. "What kind of fucking idiot wears sunglasses inside? You tryin' to make yourself look like a tough shithead? Makes you look real fucking stupid. Ain't no sun in here, asshole."

"I like my glasses." Greed said with a small frown, almost childishly. But he reached out to snatch Grimmjow's drink, just like he did with his just moments before, but this time, downed the rest of it with a satisfied sigh, setting it down before him with a wide grin. "And if you don't like it. Then too. Fucking. Bad. Kitty."

Oh yeah he went there again. Pet names. Ahaha.... pet names. Pet. Cat. Ha ha.

Motherfucker. Grimmjow yanked the sunglasses off of Greed's face and held them behind him, well away from the bar. So if the bastard wanted them he'd need to climb right over the counter. "Call me that again and these fucking glasses ain't ever seeing the sun another time, you son of a bitch," he warned in a low growl, fingers threatening to crush the glasses.

So what if Greed could go out and buy another pair. Just knowing that he was destroying something of the assholes would be good enough for Grimmjow. Especially if it pissed him off.

Greed growled and bared his teeth at him like an animal as he lunged forward over the counter to grab his glasses away from the other science experiment. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Those were his glasses! No one else's. And he was touching them. The empty bottles on the counter slipped and crashed to the ground, shattering on impact as Greed clutched at Grimmjow's arm with his shielded and clawed hands, dragging the claws into his flesh to claw up his arm and snatch his glasses back.


: Grimmjow started laughing. Jesus Christ was he a fucking baby. All over some glasses? The only shit Grimmjow cared that much about was alive. The motherfucker was trying to crawl up his damn arm to get the worthless glasses and it was the funniest fucking thing he'd seen in a while.

The claws raking down his arm hurt, but they'd heal quickly, no thanks to the same asshole trying to climb up him like he was the cat.

Grimmjow leaned back on the stool, getting perilously close to losing his balance with the fuckhead all over him. "You're real fucking close to me, sweetheart," he purred. "And to think you made all that fuss 'bout not liking men. Guess I gotta call Renji and tell 'im I'll be late for dinner."

His eyes widened as he realized what he was doing. He narrowed his eyes and glared down at him before glancing up to his arm to see the wounds hiss closed, thanks to those stones he gave him. He leaned his face close to his, violets staring into the brilliant blues. He smiled widely, the tips of his shark-like teeth visible. "Sweetheart? You love me that much, huh Grimmy?"

His breath was heavy with vodka, almost as thick as a goddamn fog, and as pungent as a landfill.

Fucking no. Fucking son of a motherfucking whore. Grimmjow used his other arm to shove Greed the fuck off of him, but the force of it sent him down, too. He didn't know if Greed had been being an asshole right back or not, but if he was serious, then Grimmjow was going to beat his face in with the fucking sunglasses.

"I'll show ya what love is when I shove all these fucking bottles up your ass," he snarled. "I'll let Envy watch so he can see how much you'll fucking love it."

He jumped back over the counter and looked over it to see Grimmjow fall back. He threw his head back in a howl of laughter and walked around the counter to kneel down beside Grimmjow, patting his head before he quickly reached out for his glasses back. "Aw, too bad. I thought we had somethin'. You taught your boy toy a thing or two..." A small tint of red emerged on the surface of his cheeks as his fingers wrapped around his glasses, starting to pull them back and into his own possession.

Fucking prick. That pissed Grimmjow the fuck off. And if Greed wanted his bar destroyed, then fine. It was no fucking sweat of Grimmjow's back. Once he'd gotten to his feet again, he leaned on the counter with both arms, picked up an unopened bottle of alcohol, and threw it over Greed's head at the wall behind him.

"Yeah, we got something," Grimmjow agreed with a grin. "We got a problem. Because I just accidentally threw a bottle of that shit. And now you've got glass every-fucking-where and waiting for ya to clean it like the bitch you are isn't on my schedule."

Greed almost stared blankly and watched as the bottle smacked against the wall. He frowned at him and snorted. "Now that isn't very nice." he pointed over to the mess on the ground before he faced him all the way, his hands on his hips. "You're a bad kitten, ya know that?"

He just reached over and grabbed the last bottle from the crate, snapping it open as he took another drink from it. He guzzled it down fast before he lunged at Grimmjow, tackling him to the ground, lifting his black hand back to strike him across the face.

Now that was more like it. Grimmjow let the strike to his face go unstopped and then he grabbed the hand that had hit him. "What the fuck is it with you and gettin' on top of me?" he laughed. "No one fucking tops me, you stupid shithead."

Using the flexibility that no one would think he had by looking at him, he brought one strong leg between them and used it to kick the asshole off of him. Using the momentum from the kick he flipped himself back to his feet and reached for his sword; he always kept it on him.

Greed rolled to the side and got to his feet, standing up lazily as his shoulders swayed from side to side. He stared at him with an almost bored expression, seeing the sword. "Seriously? Again? Fuck man..." He shook his head and ran his hand through his own spiky brown hair. "C'mon man... we were just gonna drink and have a nice time. Remember? None of this fighting shit."

"You scared?" Grimmjow still hadn't drawn the sword, but his hand was ready to at the first sign of Greed coming at him. "Now you're not the only fucker who's hard to kill. 'Fraid I'm gonna gut ya and there won't be anything left when I'm done?"

Grimmjow didn't care if Greed wanted to drink instead, but if the asshole was going to

Greed jumped over the counter again before he took out a bottle of scotch, pouring himself a drink. "No more fighting. No more fuck repairs, alright? I'm fucking sick of repairing my bar." He took a steady drink of the scotch, sighing deeply through his nose as he wavered, his hand swirling and waving as he spoke. "Just back the fuck off."

Then it was the damage to the bar the dumbshit was worried about? Grimmjow took his hand away from the hilt of his sword and dropped into the seat next to the one that he'd fallen out of; he didn't feel like picking it back up.

"Then why don't you take your fights somewhere else, you asshole?" he asked with a grin and grabbed the entire bottle of scotch rather than getting a glass. "You're the idiot that brought me and that queer cowboy here. Ever think of usin' somewhere that you don't give a shit about?"

"If you can find a place. For me to take my fights in. Lemme know." he mumbled behind his glass, drinking the rest before he leaned heavily against the counter. Yawning he rubbed at his brow and frowned sourly at him. "Besides, I do it in my basement. Not up here. That'd be stupid." Greed waved a finger in the air, nodding firmly.

"You think a basement can't fucking be destroyed?" Grimmjow drank straight from the bottle just so Greed couldn't fucking have any more. "Take out the fucking basement and this entire building's gonna come down, you dumbshit. Find your own damn place to fight someone. Use a fucking field if you have to. Ain't that hard, you lazy bastard."

Greed frowned tightly at him as he scowled at him. He snatched his bottle back and took a drink from it. He didn't care about Grimmy germs. He didn't care at all. He smacked it down and snorted. "Hmph. Fine. I'll find a fucking place... just not now...."

"Fine." Grimmjow grabbed the bottle again and kept it well out of Greed's reach after taking another drink. If the motherfucker tried climbing up him again, he was getting a bullet to the head. "When you find a place to get your ass kicked, you let me know. I wanna have a little fun again."

Greed snorted, looking irritated at the bottle out of his reach. He simply leaned forward, grinning as he reached out for it. "Now who's being the greedy one, huh? C'mon, give it back! I paid good fucking money for it, not for just you." He even waved his arm with a small sound of annoyance, his face a deeper red now, thanks to the alcohol in his system..

The fucker could find himself another bottle. Grimmjow leaned back and took another drink, keeping an eye on Greed as he did. It was funny seeing the idiot like this anyway. Red-faced and fucking stupid. Now if he'd pass the fuck out Grimmjow could take a picture as fucking proof. "Fuck you," he said slowly so the idiot could understand. And drank the rest.

Greed stared almost in shock as he drank the rest of it. "Ah, but... hey... no fair...." He reached out, as if trying to save the beverage, but, it was too late. The man stood up straight, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. He opened his mouth to speak, and lifted a finger as if to say something really important before.... he did indeed pass out, falling right onto his side. And thus. Grimmjow was the winner of this battle.

Asshole. Grimmjow roared with laughter and nearly fell out of his fucking chair. The motherfucker had fallen right the fuck over! Where the fuck was a camera when you needed one? Fucking whatever. He had the camera on his phone and that was good enough. After setting aside the empty bottle, he leaned over the counter, took out his phone, and took at least a dozen pictures for proof. Let the asshole try and tell the story differently.

"Sweet dreams, you weak shithead."

greed, grimmjow jeagerjaques

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