May 15, 2008 06:03
Just before I woke, I had this dream about Dionysos, which, while brief, was both vivid and lucid, and also completely uncharacteristic of a dream of the sort that people usually have about gods.
He showed me a dish of meat. Beef, cut into long strips, cooked in a sauce, appearance, taste and smell were included.
"My mother used to make this," he said, "I was wondering if you could perhaps make it."
Based on the flavor, I am guessing that it was slow cooked in chunks of apple, tomato, onion, and very little else. Maybe some olive oil.
Several days ago, by this point, I had a dream about Hekate, that began with an OBE, and ended with the following conversation, of which I only remember half.
"And what of Apollon?" she asked.
"A fool." I replied simply.
She laughed knowingly, nodding. "And what makes you say that?"
"Not his words, but his actions. Look at the mess he's made for himself. He can't handle his followers."
She sighed. "He's young. They're all young. Apollon... Dionysos... all the children... Too young. Give them time."
"Mph. It's frustrating. I'm mortal. I expect them to know better than me. Time after time, they prove that they don't. I'm tired of watching. I'm tired of talking about it."
"Your gift is insight. With time, and purification, your eyes may rival the gods."