really, really bad. you know i'm.

Oct 13, 2006 20:31

oooookay! itsa friday and i'm feeling completive. Actually, I'm thinking about getting contemplative. hehehe

so so so so so

the world!

no, not the world.

I have iTunes on shuffle. Mimi knows what the fuck she's talking about, because itunes knows what the fuck I'M TALKING ABOUT. THE REST OF YOUR NIGHTS WITH THE LIGHT OOONN.

I won't worry my life away. Memory game. Driving in my car to church? with my mom under the brooklyn queens expressway and past the cemetary, which your supposed to hold your breath for, because the lost souls can come into your mouth and take over your life or something.

and and and and

z100 or PEE EL JAY, for all of those juicy, belty top 40 SCHLAGERSSS.

and summer sun setting so i have to pull my visor down and i have to stick my hand out the window and make rollercoasters with my fingers and

I am insane.
I work for the man and I hate it, but what if i'm just using the man, because the man asked me to make a list of places that I wanted to go to in the world that he might send me to, if no one else wants to go and write about them. So i wrote places that i didn't think would be of interest to the people working for the man like Bali and Senegal and Costa Rica... thats ok, right?
I'm slacking off in school. You'd think I'd've learn'd b'now.
I'm hungaryimeanhungry but all i have in my home is italian food and i already ready ready had PIZZA.

AND I'M CAST IN SOFTY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! oh my GOD. jkhkjlAHAKJLS. Ellie, thank you so much. I will give you everything I got and then some, I'm so so so invested in this. yes.

I need to find where the parteez at tonight? Or i need to eat sue-she and play super nintendo? or i need to sleep because my body's saying hell no?

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