
Jul 23, 2005 10:49

So for the past week exactly I was grounded! For what? Coming home a 1/2 hour late from Raymond's house. Now this whole week I have a 9pm curfew...Frickin' sweet I must was only a 1/2 hour. Oh well- it was definately worth it. But I miss him so much! Raymond I miss you! We've talked everyday and we were supposed to hang out today but I am spending the night at Heath's house before he gets too busy with the whole football and soccer camps. Tomorrow though- I hope.

I've been working my ass off like no other! 2 jobs and working Monday through Friday 10am to 7pm. Then Saturday 4pm-7pm and Sunday 11am-2pm. At least it's bringing in some much needed money.

Alex: i want a girl to fall asleep in my arms
Alex: while i kiss her forehead
(Alex!! AWW!! Ohmigod! That is SOO cuute!! I love how you say the SWEETEST things. Like without thinking about them...they just come out. You know I am here for you whenever you want/need to talk and you know my number!)

I took cans and bottles back yesterday at Bueche's. I cut my finger on the opening of one of the cans- it took the skin off pretty good. But I got $18.20...HECK yess! That's like enough to see two movies AND get some ice cream from Cook's. Ray me and you are still going to go to Cook's right? And after that we will play Who Wants to Be a Millionaire! I'm not good at that...I'm mindblowing!

Alex and Ray came over on Wednesday to drop off a CD Alex made for me. That is one of the best CD's I own! Thank you SOO much Alex!!
Raymond- I'm glad that you went with him because I was SOO happy to see you at some point this week! I haven't seen you in so long. We haven't hung out in so long! It makes me sad and it makes me just want you more! When we hang out next it will be frickin' awesome! Trust me. I love you SO much!
"Feel Good Inc."
Windmill, Windmill for the land.
Turn forever hand in hand
Take it all in on your stride
It is sinking, falling down
Love forever love is free
Let's turn forever you and me
Windmill, windmill for the land
Is everybody in?

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