Jun 11, 2005 22:50
Ray~ Baby, you make every moment I am with you complete and total bliss...When I am in your arms or just with you in general, I feel like nothing can go wrong and nothing else could be as perfect...I love you so much and I am going to miss you so much but when I get back we will hang out as soon as possible and I will make it up to you *wink wink*!! And I will send you postcards and letters! I'm SOOO glad you made the right decision because I don't know what I would do without you to come back you after 3 weeks in Hell! I have fallen I had the best time tonite- you don't even know! After everything fell into place things ran a lot smoother. I'll remember NEXT time not to bring a scary movie over and make my hints a lot more obvious to you (don't be so hesistant next time!) But out of everyone I have ever watched a scary movie with, you are by far my favorite person to watch them with because you make them a little less scary when I can bury my head in your shoulder!! Be good while I am gone and don't worry about me! I love you!
Ray's Friend: Tell her that u love her?
Ray: yes
Ray: 1st time tonight
Ray's Friend: Oo what brought it about?
Ray: her leaving for 3weeks
Ray: ima miss her so much
(Ray I am going to miss you so much you don't even know!! I love you SO much!)
Pam~ I am going to miss you also!! I will send you postcards and letters and when I get back we will hang out too because we just need to...It's a MUST!! I LUV YOU MORE FOR ALWAYS!
I will miss everyone! And just think...your summer is probably going better than mine anyway! I'll be in hell for 3 weeks while you're all up here probably doing nothing and having more fun than me!