You are not tuff at all!
You are probably the "sappy emo bitch"
Bury Your Dead was talking about. You're not
interested in violence or breakdowns or
two-stepping at all, you just wanna make out.
Get tuff nancy-boy.
How TUFF are you? brought to you by
Quizilla this goes great with what happened to me at coconuts today.
i walk in and this kids like.
KID: hey im trying to teach this guy about punk and emo. would you consider yourself emo?
Me: [way to happy that i finally found art damage to be offended or anything] ummm. not really mannn. i dont even like emo.
then when i go to check out i hear him talking about getting the new Taking back sunday and Brand new cds. that guy's a winner.
anyways. Art Damage[fearbeforethemarchofflames] is amazing. get it. if you can find it.
im not tough. and i hate Bleeding Through. still. and im definately not emo. and i hate bright eyes. still.