♥ I've mentioned this once already but it's worth mentioning again. NKOTB hoodie. It's awesome. It's awesomer than your hoodie. Trufax. Exceptions will be made for MCR or AFI hoodies, it may or may not be awesomer than those. I need an AFI hoodie. I don't need an MCR one since even Ryan calls the one he bought mine. He's worn it once since he got it. XD
♥ Today is my last Cymbalta EVAR! I'm happy about this, but kind of "oooh crap" at the same time. I got a real swift understanding of why they call them "brain zaps" yesterday as I was walking to the bathroom at work. I liken it to feeling you get when you lick a 9 volt battery or touch one of those shock pens (I have one!) but in your brain. It's weird.
♥ "Sleepwalker" is my favorite Adam Lambert song btw. I loves it. I just felt I should share. Adam Lambert may or may not be a ring toss champion. But thus far, does not have a Pokemon. It's a shame really. (Great, now my brain is working on what Pokemon Adam Lambert would have.) [ETA] I like
darkregrets idea. Adam Lambert totally gets a Mightyena. Woof.
♥ I think Adam Carson would have a Slowbro. It's probably best not to be ask. I wonder if Slowbro shuffles... I'm inclined to give Hunter a Farfetch'd based on the combination of it being a flying Pokemon and... wtf leek? Yeah, that covers Hunter. The amount of thought I put into this is kind of ridiculous. Okay... remove the "kind of".
♥ Speaking of leek(e)- Yeah I'm reaching with that one- Fox will have her horns soon! Once her tail from the Ai split gets here I'll need to send her hooves, horns and tail off for reblushing. I may go ahead and have Three's hooves and tail reblushed then too. I love the default Soom hoof blushing, but Three's are supposed to be black and Fox's are supposed to be brown. She's also going to be a little sheep. :3 So I'll have a goat, unicorn and sheep. It makes perfect sense.
♥ Vier, Mir, Eva and Yan are getting pretty new urethane eyes. Zero was originally getting a pair, but his were just more that I can't really see his ridonkulously dark eyes, so when Yan gets his new oens he's passing his acrylics on to Zero. (And holy run on sentence Batman!) Vier is getting new ones because as pretty as his eyes are, I don't like fighting with light colored Sooms. Mir and Eva get new ones because Eva is supposed to have Mir's eyes, but as much as I really love Eva's eyes, they don't seem to make them in 20mm. Stupid big damn Chiwoo eyes. DON'T MAKE ME GET MY WOO KICKIN' BOOTS!
♥ I love post its. Besides being stupidly picky about my post its in general (Laura laughs at me for this), I like "fun" ones. I got
these when Laura and I were in Myrtle Beach. Then on the way home from Myrtle Beach Sunday I got some that look fairly normal, but have little check boxes at the bottom as being from "Your secret admirer" or "Your Stalker". 8D
♥ I still want a Hati or Skoll. I'd hoped this would go away when I got my Bygg and Beyla but nope. Not that I need anymore tinies since I now have three Yo sized tinies and two pukis. Eva btw, is the best posing non CP tiny I've ever played with.
♥ Eventually I'll post pictures here... honest. Until then, have dA links of snow pics. :B
Of Sugar and Ice by =
onnawufei on
Day In The Snow by =
onnawufei on