URG! I need sleep but I could not resist posting these. I got my stuff from
hunter_ryu today and first off let me just say that getting her stuff is always fun. Besides the stuff I ordered there's always little other random goodies in there too. I has Batman candies! Those will most likely appear in pictures before being devoured greedily. XD There was other stuff too but for some reason the Batman candies stick out in my mind most, probably because I'm a fatty. I also got another quilt 'cause I throw way too much money at her. XD
BUT yes, Zero got the most AWESOME PANTS TO HAVE EVER AWESOMED! Seriously I'd wear these in an instant if they were my size. I am actually jealous of Zero's clothes. XD It's not fair! The shirt he's wearing is by her too, but I bought that a while ago. (Actually it was Varekai v2's shirt. XD)
Okay yeah, this is the best picture. :B But I LOVE THEM! (If you weren't already aware, I have a thing for ugly pants. I'm still mourning the death of mine.)
This picture made me realize that sunglasses (when worn on the head) are like headbands for men.
Rose showed up while I was taking pictures. XD There will be kittyspam of her later.