
Mar 06, 2009 22:00

  • 22:35 We are SO going to the Ripley's Believe It Or Not Aquarium and Museum for my birthday. 8D #
  • 07:52 Despite morning "damnit I'm a girl" pain, the weather is pleasant, I'm only here for five hours, and I'm hoping for a good day. :3 #
  • 09:25 @ seijikat & @Nezumit00 Lan needs more love! And bc I'm a nerd my immedate thought was there should be a dA "Lan needs more love" stamp. :B #
  • 10:02 Not going home early today after all. That's not that big of a deal, but I didn't bring a lunch which sorta sucks. Yay vending machines! #
  • 10:12 I "rolled" for a random fic prompt and got "satin". I think I'll re-roll as that would probably end NSFW. XD #
  • 11:32 Wee Ryan took me to Wendy's. #
  • 12:00 Back from Wendy's and I'm REALLY warm. Oye, I wish I hadn't taken my fan home. #
  • 12:52 I finally ordered a macro lens for my camera. *GLEE* #
  • 13:32 @ thesaraghina A Canon EF50mm 1.8 lens. I thought about getting a more expensive one but decided to start small. I'm using macro filters now. #
  • 13:37 @ melonella Woot! Since it's so cheap on Amazon I was a little concerned but the reviews were good so I went for it. #
  • 15:35 I still have nearly a full thing of magenta ink in my printer. Clearly my job does not use enough pink. #
  • 16:04 *sigh* I'd like to go home now. I was supposed to leave half an hour ago. #
  • 16:47 Who looks at a Scion and thinks "I need one of those in lime green"? #
  • 19:37 It's funny when you swap dolls so much you forget which ones you have at home at the moment. XD #
  • 19:47 twitpic.com/1w2ti - I love my weird cat. #
  • 20:06 @ o01101011 Well in the picture he was drinking but yeah, he just likes to lay there with his paw in the water dish. Noooo idea why. #
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