Saturday Meet Up pictures and Saturday night pictures

May 26, 2008 00:26

My Saturday pictures suck. Boo. But here they are.

sakura_oki's girls. <3

angsty_os's gorgeous boy Aki and Jenova plushie.

Someone's boy... whose boy was this? XD

evphaedrielle's boy Zeph and Jun plushie.

Who I felt the need to take a picture of...

And yay fur wigs that don't blow stray hairs into doll faces. Seriously, most of the dolls I took pictures of I took at least two or three pictures and am only posting one. This is the one doll who actually had multiple pictures turn out. *invests in fur wigs*

And Saturday night, o01101011, sakura_oki and I were being general dorks with our dolls. I only had Kitten downstairs and Kris only had Rye downstairs but we had fun anyway.

Kitten was enamoured with sakura_oki's brother's broken sword.

The amount of people who actually seemed to be mourning the sword as they walked by was impressive.

Aspiring Jrocker?

Kitten is such a girl...

Rye meanwhile is rather confused.

Even moreso now. XD

Representing Custom House... and Luts...

I was having way too much fun with these two.


All together now! (Minus Rye, who was just traumatized by this point.)

And TOTALLY unrelated, but this is the awesome upon awesome Alice in Wonderland group that was walking around. The Cheshire Cat scored major points by scaring the crap out of Kris and just being very in character and amusing. <3

And on a rather cryptic note, I would like to give endless amounts of thanks to sakura_oki (how many times can I toss your username into one post?) and o01101011 as well as poeticlove7 and bradius. Ya'll saved my night, even the two of you who weren't there. <3

doll - kitten, pictures, doll meet, dolls

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