time for some Eiri humiliation [Dollmore Model Doll Haneol Moon]

Jul 25, 2007 21:25

I needed to take some photos of Shuichi's sleep pants (made by the awesome Wifey, aka hunter_ryu) on Eiri so Wifey could see how many more inches to add to the length. So I forced the pants on the cranky blond and made him pose. He was NOT a happy resin camper...

E: This is NOT amusing, onna! I feel like a #@$%&*^ hick in these stupid #@$%&*^ pants! I cannot BELIEVE Shuichi has been wearing these eye-bleeding things to bed. THAT'S going to stop, now that I am here. Nice and naked, that's the proper way for my brat to sleep.

o: Yeah, you talk the talk, Eiri-CHAN, but you will be getting a pair of these eventually, too.

E: #@$%&*^ WHAT?!?!? I just cannot look at this...


o: Don't worry - the pattern will be two of your favorite things, coffee and donuts, and it will be on a blue background.

E: You are one evil onna, onna...

o: If you try and kick me while I am measuring you, I will send Shuichi across town to visit my mother for a while so you will not have 24-hour grope access like you do now.

E: You #@$%&*^ wouldn't!

o: Kick me and you will find out just how serious I can be.

E: *mumbles* #@$%&*^ ...


o: Besides, you are going to be happy to have those pants when the air conditioner is on over-drive like it is now during the summer or when it gets really cold during the winter.

E: Feh... yeah, it HAS been chilly in this apato since I have been here, and it has been nice. It gets #@$%&*^ hot in Tokyo during the summer months.

o: And certain parts of your anatomy has been beating a hasty retreat lately because of the cold, huh? I see a blush through those long fingers!


o: Show me your pretty face, grumpy-puss!

E: #@$%&*^ you.

o: Awww, widdle Eiri-chan is having a bad day! *shoves camera in Eiri's face and takes a picture*


E: Shut UP! *storms off to the other room*

I followed him, and found him being pounced on by Shuichi.

Shuichi: EIRRRRIIIIIIIII! You look so CUUUUUUUUUUUUUUTE in flannel! And you are wearing my clothes! It is usually me who wears YOUR clothes, and I LOVE to because you get nice silk shirts that feel good on and are snuggly yummy and your thigh is sooo warm in these pants I just cannot help but squeeze it and maybe I could crawl up in your lap and have a little snuggle while I ...

E: *mumbles* Attack of the idiot - help...

Nasake: You are on your own, blondie boy! *yips a laugh*


Thanks for looking!

Eiri: Necklace by timeless_rose aka EternalSerenity
Neck chain (next to necklace) by me
Ring by orangebabydolly
Bracelet by Dollmore

Shuichi: Watch from Dollmore
Overalls by releaserain
Tanktop by DollHeart
Ring by orangebabydolly

Nasake: Yukata by Featherfall

wifey, photos, photostory, clothing, shuichi, eiri, nasake, clothes

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