Last time, the
second birthday post ended with the Gravi plushies exiting for some mattress sports, leaving Shuichi alone and wibbly-lipped.
*presenting a crying Shuichi...*
S: *Begins crying in earnest* Why does Eiri have to be so mean to me!? He knows it's my birthday and he still refuses to show up!
o: He may just be busy with his world-wide book tour and the time difference may be that it is yesterday wherever he is.
S: Are you defending him? *tears continue to flow copiously despite the frantic wiping* Why are you taking his side? You don't love me anymore, either?* another round of tears begin*
o: *groans*
S: I just... He is so...
S: Why can't he....
o: *looks at watch*
S: *heartrending sobs* I love him so much...
o: *in a soft gentle voice* Shuichi...
o: I have something special, just for you. But first you must dry your eyes.
S: *sniffles, then says in small voice* R..really? *scrubs tears away*
o:Yes. Here you go. Happy Birthday.
S: ...
o: Turn it over and look, silly.
S: *loud gasp* It's... it's...
S:*squeals loudly* EIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII! You got me a picture of my Eiri!
o: *hits side of head to try and get hearing back*I guess that means you like it?
S: I LOVE it! It is in a frame and everything!
S:*hugs frame* And it is a nice shot of him, too - he is not all frowny grumply.
o: Yes, it was difficult to find a photo of him looking sincere and not irritated.
S:*rubs cheek against frame like a cat* Mmmmmm, my Eiri....
S: *Snuggles into the couch with the framed photo* So handsome...
*cell phone rings*
o: *looks at watch again and smiles* You might want to get that.
S: Oh! Sure! Eiri.... *runs finger across photo then picks up phone*
S: Moshi Moshi!
*a deep sultry voice speaks* Oi, brat...
S: *starts to hyperventilate*Eiri? Eiri?!?! Is it really you?
Eiri: Who else would call you, you stupid git?
Eiri: OW! You blew my eardrum out. Is that any way to treat someone who called you on your birthday, idiot?
S: I LOVE you! I am so happy! Let me tell you about what has been going on!
*whereas Shuichi chatters almost constantly and Eiri responds with grunts, sighs and monosyllables*
S: My phone battery keeps beeping. Have we been talking for THAT long? I guess we have. It's late there and you must sleep so we better hang up, but I don't wanna hang up! I MISS you!
E: Yes, I need to sleep if I am to function tomorrow and fend off the rabid fan monkeys. I will call you during my next break in schedule some time in the next week or two. Do not be a pest to the old woman while you are there, understand, brat?
S: Okay... I LOVE YOU, EIRI! Bye! *clicks phone off and sighs*
S: *picks up frame and looks at photo* He DOES care! He DOES love me! But, how did he know where to find me, and how did he call me on my new cell phone when he did not know the number?
o: Well, I tracked him down through his publisher and left a message which included your new number. *chuckles* I pretty much threatened him by saying I would dress him in a short, ruffled, lacy pink Lolita costume with three-inch high heels when he arrives if he didn't make an effort for your birthday.
S: *giggles* What an image!
o: And now that he knows the new number where he can reach you - you are a phone call away from him.
S: He was on a hotel phone so I cannot call him, though. *pouts*
o: Well, if the call you just ended is any indication of your usual phone chats, it is probably wise he calls you instead of you contacting him. If you call and he is the middle of an important interview or book signing, he will not be able to spend any time talking to you, you will get all pouty, and I will be the one who will have to deal with you.
S: *hugs frame* You promise my Eiri will be with me my next birthday?
o: I can only promise if who I see is truly your Eiri. If he DOES reveal himself, it could be he will be here for his own birthday next February, if I can manage it. Remember, it took a while for you to reveal yourself to me. We both will have to be patient on this one.
S: I suppose...
S: onna, thank you for my birthday Pocky, my photo and my phone call....
o: I only want to make you happy, little one.
I am really tired now so I am going to rest awhile.
o: Have a good nap, sweetling.
S: *soft snores*
The End
I think Shuichi's feet are so adorable in those little white socks!