Part one, Uruha's arrival, can be seen
here. After he was opened, dressed and attacked us with heart hands, the arrival gathering turned into a mini-meetup.
Kitsu, Shuichi and Eiri WAY in the background, Chikara, Kuroku, Brendon, Shindo and Lily hang out and chat.
Brendon brain boogers! The eye putty he came with was really nasty and sticky, so Brendon got some new putty at this meetup.
Shindo, the little friendly dickens, decides to meet Uruha.
Bookends pose.
Two mnf Shiwoo elves, looking completely different.
Wataru does some posing - I wonder why?
Ah! Posing for Lily!
Reno balances two mnf elves on his knees.
Three Dollzone minis - Kitsu, Chikara and Kuroku.
Time to snuggle.
The two guys strike a cool pose - Reno and Eiri.
Gadesh wades through the male hormones...
It looks like the brothers are not speaking to each other - what's up, Rag and Ygg?
The new boys decide to jump into the 'cool guys' photo.
Shuichi lounges on
hoshino_tamika. One of the many reasons why I like his floppiness - he's cuddly!
Shuichi decides he wants to be with his Eiri.
Uruha and Shindo play handzies while Kitsu looks on.
Shindo huggies!
Chikara hugs depressed Kuroku.
More Gravi spam.
Eiri's eyes have this tendency of looking to the right, even though they were set to look forward...
Well, personally I think Lily's jacket looks like pink bear ears on you, Wataru. Don't look at me like that!
It looks like the brothers are starting to make up.
I guess the little guys are getting a little tuckered out. Time for a little lie-down!
And yet more Gravi spam - I love my guys!
Some Shindo hugs for Wataru!
A mini line - Shindo, Kuroku, Chikara and Wataru...
...and Kitsu...
...and Lily!
The brothers seem to be okay now.
Uruha at different angles.
Brendon is NOT amused he is wearing one of Alice's skirts...
Eiri gets comfort from Shuichi, and Shuichi loves it.
Reno likes to sit on shoulders -
hoshino_tamika is his perch today.
Uruha balances on Ygg's head.
Shindo has no problems wearing Alice's skirt.
Brendon was still pouty about the skirt so Shindo hugs him.
Chikara joins in the hug.
Reno relaxes.
The skirt now becomes a Southern Belle hat for Ygg.
Uruha and Wataru.
Ygg gets a Shindo hug.
Uruha joins in - three pairs of Luts pointy ears!
Rag and Gadesh hang out.
Wataru is all alone...
...then gets joined by his new housemate, Uruha.
Chikara plays with Uruha's hair. Yes, he is balancing like that - such an amazing cat!
Ygg finally escapes the mini glomp.
Chikara tells Wataru about his new pet, Shindo, so Wataru is off-the-hook. Wataru doesn't look convinced.
Uh oh... Rag and Gadesh are holding hands now.
I guess Wataru has forgiven Chikara for trying to turn him into a pet.
Time to go home, guys! Chikara, into the bag!
Come on, cuddly gropey boys!
Thanks for looking!