As you recall, the
first post ended with us leaving for the party.
*several steps and rooms later*
o: All right - you sit there and play a game on your phone until the others arrive.
S: Others?
o: Yes, two others share your birthday so this celebration is to cover everyone.
S: *pouts* Well... okay...
*a sound comes from the left...*
*...Then the right*
Shuichi Plushie Large & Shuichi Plushie Small: Surprise!!!
S: *gulp* Ahhhh, hi there...
SPS: *crawls onto couch* It's our birthday today, too - yay!
SPL: *sits on couch* That's right; we are both Shuichis, just like you!
S: Wow! onna really DOES have a lot Gravitation stuff around here! Nice to meet you two!
o: Yes, I do, little ones! Okay, put your arms around each other and get ready for a photo. Ready? Smile!
o: Very good! Now, are you ready for your community present?
Shuichi Chorus: Huh?
o: Here you go! Strawberry Pocky - your favorite! *banging sounds come from down the hall* Someone's at the door so I will be right back.
SPL: Oh Yummy!
SPS: The box is so big!
S: I LOVE strawberry Pocky!
S: There is enough here for all of us to eat to our heart's content!
SPS: Then what are we waiting for?
SPL: Let's tuck in!
*Sounds of rustling, ripping paper and plastic, crunching and happy yummy noises fill the room*
o: *walks back into room* WTF?!?!? It looks like a tornado passed through here!
S: *burp* It was SOOOO good!
SPS: Yummy...
SPL: Scrummy...
o: Maybe I should tell your guests to come back later, after you revive from your Pocky stupor.
Shuichi chorus: Guests?!?!?
Deep male voice from left: It figures we would find them like this.
Deep male voice from right: If they are not eating, they are being noisy.
Eiri Plushie Small: Look at you three - what a mess!
Eiri Plushie Large: Disgraceful brats, always causing chaos and mayhem wherever you go!
*Shuichi Plushies jump up* YUKIIIIIIIII EIRRRRRRRIIIIIIIII!!!!!!
EPL: ACK! Brace yourself for the pounce!
EPS: Yikes!
S: *pushes hair out of face*Wha...?
SP Chorus: You're HEREEEEEEEEEEE! *pounces shake the foundation*
*EPs blanch right before the air is knocked out of them by heavy SPs squeezing them tight*
S: Ummm...
*Sounds of loud kissing, moans and giggles*
S: Hey!
*Bodies slam to the floor as more kissing and fondling occur*
S: Hey! HEY! *looks around* Where is MY Eiri? Why isn't he here?
S: HEY! This is NOT fair at ALL! Why do they get smooches and huggles and squeezies and I do not? I WANT MY EIRI!
EPS: Mmph! Let me UP, idiot!
EPL: Let GO of me so I can breathe, stupid!
*EPs get up slowly while SPs still cling to them and kiss them all over their faces*
EPS: IF you let go of me and clean up this mess...
EPL: I will take you to our room and give you a REAL birthday present, deal?
SP Chorus: YAY! Loving with our Lovers! *scrambles to pick up mess*
S: It is just not FAIRRRRRRR!
EPL: Good job, brat! *squeezes SPL's fine ass and speaks in a husky voice while directing him to and out the door* Let us retire...
EPS: Time to hit the futon so we can open your present... *grabs SPL's tight butt and leads him out of the room*
S: *starts sniffling* I am all alone again...
o: Oh, and I suppose I am just old sushi, huh?
Part Three will be posted later.