A too long questionnaire!

Oct 18, 2006 20:18

1. What is your name and birthdate?
bakayaro onna (no real names, please); 1/8/58 (yes, I am THAT old!)

2. How long have you been interested in dolls?
Dolls in general? Quite a few years. BJDs - about two years.

3. How many BJD dolls do you have?
Four full, one head and a surprise on the way.

4. What is the name(s) of your doll(s)?
Shindô Shuichi, Sôma Hatori, Chikara and Nasake. Yuki Eiri in various forms will eventually come home.

5. What type of BJD do you have?
Iplehouse Soo Ri, Orientdoll Tae, Dollzone Megi, Dollzone Mo, Dollshe Husky head and a secret on the way.

6. Do you believe in Fate?

7. Who is the manufacturer of your doll(s)?
Iplehouse, Orientdoll, Dollzone and Dollshe

8. What was your first reaction when you saw your SD for the first time?
What a gorgeous faceup! But his lips are the wrong colour, damnit!

9. Have you shown your doll off at a Doll Show?
Doll show? They have been to anime cons and doll meetups.

10. Which do you prefer? Commercial SDs (such as Kyon customised dolls) or Customizing your own SD?
I let the companies do the face painting. I do stuff like sueding.

11. How do you feel about Commercial SDs?
If the faceup is good, I have no complaints.

12. Did you create a personality/background for your doll(s)? If so, describe them!
Shuichi and Hatori already had personalities and backgrounds in place. Chikara and Nasake just 'told' me who they were. You can read about them all on the user profile page.

13. What type of relationship do you have with your doll (ex. beloved daughter, friend)?
I am a landlady/denmother/aunt. They are NOT my children!

14. Does your SD have a nickname?
You can read all their nicknames at the profile page.

15. What special meaning does your doll's name have?
Shuichi and Hatori have special meanings selected by their creators. Chikara means 'power' and Nasake means 'compassion'.

16. Does your SD have a special seat/place in your room? If so, where?
They all sit on the purple velvet couch on the Art Deco vanity.

17. Did you buy a chair specifically for your SD?
Yep, and it is still at my mother's house and holding one of my American Girls.

18. Does your SD have accessories of her own? (ex. pets, toys, hairbrush...)
Gobs and gobs of stuff - cell phones, cameras, books, food, drink, computers, video games, con badges, stuffed animals - just lots and lots of stuff.

19. What hard to find items do you wish you could get for your doll?
I want a wig that is a perfect match AND fit for Shuichi's anime hair. I want an orange hoodie for Shuichi. I want all of Eiri and Shuichi's outfits in the anime.

20. What is the most expensive thing you've bought for your doll?
Probably one of Shuichi's gorgeous kimono.

21. When you go out, do you take your doll with you?
Lots of times I do, but not always.

22. If so, where have you taken your doll?
Post office, McDonalds, work, office workshop, craft stores, restaurants, etc.

23. Is there a regular place you take your doll out to?

24. If you do take your doll out of the house, how do you carry him? (ex. SD violin case, backpack,etc)
If it is for short trips, I carry one in my arms. If it is a long trip and Shuichi, he rides in a baby sling.

25. When you do take your doll out, is it easy to do or do you find it's more trouble than it's worth?
It is easier to deal with the smaller dolls.

26. Does your doll have a friend? Do you think your doll wants a friend?
Shuichi already has lots of friends, both dolls and humans. Hatori has a few doll and human friends. Chikara doesn't think too much about it but enjoys meeting dolls and people. Nasake hasn't met anyone yet so he has no opinion.

27. If you could build your dream FCS for free, what would it be?
What is a FCS?

28. What is your favorite optional head?
I like the half-asleep Luts vampires - any SD male sculpt.

29. What is your least favorite optional head?

30. What type of fantasy head would you like to see produced?
I would like to see pointed earred elves with various shaped horns coming out of their heads.

31. What is your favorite wig for your doll?
Hatori wears his default black fiber. Shuichi wears his wine/black fur, Chikara wears his default grey fur and Nasake wears a beautiful long white fiber wig.

32. What made you choose your SD out of all the various types?
I really looked for good elbow joints first, then looked at faces later for Shuichi. Chikara had a unique face sculpt compared to many of the dolls out there, Hatori 'was' Hatori the first time I saw him and Nasake's unique faceup won me over.

33. Do you change your SD's wig often and have you tried styling the wigs?
Fur wigs are easy to style. I don't change their wigs out often.

34. How many wigs do you have?
TOO MANY!!! Imagine "The Trouble with Tribbles".

35. How many shoes do you have for your doll? Does your doll have socks too?
TOO MANY shoes for Shuichi. Six for Hatori. Four for Chikara. None for Nasake (he wants it that way). All the guys except Nasake has socks. I need to figure a way to get him some tabi socks that look like the toe is separated.

36. What types of clothing does your doll wear? (name in order of favorite styles)
Shuichi is a clothes horse. He wears basic jeans and teeshirts, leather slutwear for the stage, dresses for cosplay, dress pants, shirts and ties when he is dressing up, a red tux jacket when he is REALLY dressing up, various kimono and JPop inspired stuff. Nasake wears a kimono or a Chinese jacket/pants outfit. Chikara has a Chinese jacket/pants outfit but has moved to modern human clothing like jeans and shirts, too. Hatori wears mostly suits with ties but sometimes wears casual pants, teeshirts and casual button shirts.

37. Where do you purchase your SD clothing?
Iplehouse (the pants are MADE for Shu), Dollmore, Friends2bMade, DoA, eBay, and many other places.

38. Do you sew clothing for your doll?
I sewed a jumper for Shuichi - that's the first thing I have sewn in a LONG time.

39. Do you plan on dressing your doll as an anime character? If so, who?
Shuichi and Hatori ARE anime characters!

40. Do you make accessories for your doll? What kinds?
Yes, I make crappy jewelry: necklaces and bracelets.

41. Have you made doll items that you plan on selling?
I don't want to go there...

42. Do you sew/knit/crochet and for how long?
I have been sewing for a long time, on and off. I have been crocheting for some time, too.

43. Is there a type of music that you listen to when you are with your doll?

44. Have you ever thought about opening a doll shop?
And lose money? No way!

45. Do you have a specific area in your home where you keep your dolls or customize them?
They sit on their couch when they are not being monkeyed with. I do customizing in a variety of places, depending on what is being done.

46. For how long did you know about SDs before you actually got your SD?
I had seen them at cons before talonsage showed me her lust object, Shiro about a year and a half/ two years ago.

47. Do you carry your doll around in the house?
Only if I working on one of them.

48. Is there a special place in your house that you like to sit with your doll?
Not really. Sometimes one hangs out with me on the bed or in the media room but it is not a typical event.

49. What are the comments you have heard in regards to your doll, after others have seen it in person?
"That is creepy!"; "She's so pretty!"; "Wow!"; "How much did you pay for that"; "So cute!"; "My sister/mother/whomever would LOVE to see this!"; "I want one!".

50. Does your doll have their own website?
You are looking at it...

51. What is the color of your doll(s) eyes now? Also give the size of eyes too.
16mm purple for Shuichi; 16mm green for Chikara; 8mm grey for Hatori; black rubber for Nasake.

52. What is your favorite eye color for your doll(s) and why?
I love the various purples. I cannot stand blue eyes in general, but if they work with the character, I would consider them. They look great on Miki and Nereus. I don't like yellow, either, but it's Eiri's eye colour so I have some.

53. How often do you change the eyes?
After they go in and I approve the look, the eyes don't change. I may consider doing more switching when I start getting a fey court going.

54. How many different pairs of eyes do you have for your doll?
Gobs of eyes in many colours and a few sizes.

55. Do you believe your doll has a "soul"?
Of course. So do my stuffed animals.

56. Do you talk to your doll?
Sure. I say a lot of "Please stand/sit... Thank you!" to them when we are out and about.

57. When talking to your doll, how does he address you?
I get a lot of 'onna' whined at me.

58. How do men react to your doll?
The multimedia guys think they are cool because of their posability. rat likes them and is willing to carry them around.

59. What was your favorite childhood doll growing up and why?
I hated baby dolls, so when a fashion doll like Barbie came along, I was happy. BJDs are just giant Barbies with great clothes!

60. Did you have to sell items from a personal collection to raise money to purchase your doll?
It WAS my plan so sell a bunch of stuff but it didn't happen.

61. If so, what did you sell?

62. How much do you spend on your doll a month? What is the maximum you would spend?
I can do as little as a few dollars for a small accessory to hundreds of dollars for a few kimono sets.

63. Have you purchased something you regretted later?
Sometimes I get clothing that is less than satisfactory.

64. Do you like buying clothing sets for your doll?
Sure. The kimono sets are gorgeous and I have Matt O'Neill suit sets for Hatori.

65. How often do you change your dolls clothing?
Whenever the whim hits. They always get a change before a meetup and many changes during a con.

66. If you could take your doll anywhere with you in the world, where would that be?
How about anywhere? I wouldn't mind going back to Hawaii. I would also like to go to the British Isles, Australia and other places.

67. Have you ever done something to your BJD and felt bad about it? (ex. leaving her naked all night, dropping her)
Somehow, Shuichi's upper lip has a 'chip' missing from the colour.

68. What paint brand do you use on your doll?
I don't do that...

69. If you were stranded on a deserted island with your doll, what 3 things would you want for your doll to have?
An elements-proof protective bag to stash them all, clothes and wigs

70. Does your doll have a girlfriend/boyfriend?
Shuichi has a soulmate lover. The rest are single. Chikara and Nasake don't even think about sex for themselves.

71. Does your doll have siblings (ex. brother/sister)?
Chikara and Nasake are brothers and HATE each other. Shuichi has a manga/anime sister, Maiko. Hatori may have siblings but nothing has shown up in the manga and nothing was shown in the anime. Eiri-to-be has an older sister and younger brother.

72. Will you pierce your doll's ears?
All my Eiri dolls will get an ear piercing in their left ears. I am still vacilating about piercing big Shu's ears...

73. Have you given your doll a manicure? What color?
No. I thought about doing a natural nail finish to them but then I would also have to body blush them all.

74. Did you do the esthetic process on your doll?
Nope. I photoshop the seamlines out if they ever bother me.

75. If so, are you glad you did?

76. If not, why not?
Too lazy.

77. If you could change anything they did with the BJD body, what would it be?
Fix Shuichi's belly joint so he wouldn't go into limbo mode so easily; give Hatori some kind of torso joint so he would be more flexible.

78. Have you sueded and wired your doll?
I have only sueded Shuichi's belly joint. Eventually I will suede the rest of him.

79. If your BJD could be friends with any other BJD, which BJD would it be?
I think my guys would be friends with all the dolls in our flist. I know they are friends with

80. Do you plan to get more BJDs in the future?
Yep! I know I have four in mind for sure - two msds and two tinies to be more Eiri and Shuichi love. I also want some kind of elf.

81. If so, which BJDs?
Elf Elly Banji boy for tiny Eiri, Elf Ely Lime or Peach for tiny Shuichi, LUTS MNF Shiwoo for mini Shuichi, DoD Hoo for mini Eiri, Dollzone elf Wing.

82. Do you change the paint on your SDs often?
I don't go near the faces. They nice, factory faces. I only reglue eyelashes.

83. Does your BJD have a favorite color?
You can read about their favorite colours on the user profile page.

84. In general, what is your BJDs mood or look?
All of this is at the profile page.

85. Describe your BJD's favorite outfit.
They guys don't really have one favorite outfit. They all have enough clothes they just change out when they are feeling bored. Or if something special is happening like a meetup, con or such.

86. Does your BJD have a formal name? What is it?
You can read their complete names, including the kanji, on the user profile page.

87. Do you have an colored wigs for your SDs? (green or pink) Which ones?
I have various coloured wigs for Shuichi - pink, red, pink/white, burgundy, etc. Chikara wears either a grey/white or a grey/magenta/black wig. Nasake is white.

88. What BJD would you like to see in the future?
A really good cat doll - on four legs. I want pets for my dolls and not little stuffed animals. I know one company has done it but the face is not that good and it is only one breed.

89. If you have more than one BJD, do you favor one over the others?
They all have their favourable attributes. Shuichi was my first so he is special, but all of them are special in their own ways.

90. Is your SD for display only?
Not likely...

91. Do you have any brand name clothing for your BJDs?
I have one knowingly Volks outfit. I get most of Shu's good pants from Iplehouse because they fit him so well. Friends2bMade clothing is a brand name and Chikara wears their stuff because it is inexpensive but cute.

92. Is there any BJDs you regret not buying?
No. But how about bjds I regret NOT having the money to buy? *laughs*

93. Do any of your friends own BJDs?
I have known talonsage for what seems like centuries and she finally got her Imp and will be getting her Sage shortly. sakushamishou and I knew each other for a few years as writers before we both got resin fever. ainotorikomi and I have been buds for a couple of years now, and two resin guys live at that household now. Our fandoms have just grown some.

I only met timeless_rose back in April 2006 but I feel like I have known her for a while because of our mutual resin love as well as our love of all kinds of arts, crafts and creating. mel_mel_chan and fullmetalsqishy are both my students and friends and will be getting their first doll soon, with another planned shortly. Our friend Dagger saw my guys at a con and HAD to have one to help display doll jewelry.

I have met other people, either at cons, meetups and/or online and they either have resin or are in the process of getting resin.

So yes, I have friends who own BJDs.

94. Do you have SD get togethers?
I go to meetups, yes.

95. Have you lied about the true cost of your SD to your family or friends?
Not really. I may hedge about it at first.

96. Do you think of yourself as being obsessive about BJDs? If so, explain?
Probably. They are still a new hobby and I love photographing them. Eventually I will shoot larger scale photos and start using them as bases to draw from.

97. If the house was on fire, what would you grab first? Your BJD, wallet, clothes or no time and save yourself?
I would grab my artwork first, computer second, then the dolls.

98. Did you buy a digital camera only because you wanted to take pictures of your SD to show off online?
Nope, we got the digital camera so we could take photos of stuff to sell so I could get BJDs. I have four dolls and haven't gotten around to selling anything on eBay yet.

99. If you passed on, who gets your SD? Wife/husband/kids/best friend/no one...it goes with me! Explain why!
I think they would probably stay with rat for a while, then go to loving homes so they could live on. Since I am pretty old compared to many of my friends, I suspect I will go before them but I would have no trouble finding friends to adopt the guys.

100. Do you think you'll ever tire of your SD?
I have no idea. I haven't gotten tired of Gravitation yet so there is hope!


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