Aug 21, 2016 00:00
When a doll does not speak, I start looking around for clues they might be leaving me.
Sometimes a word from the TV sets off something in my head.
When I was listening to a commercial once, I heard the word Jamboree and realized that was the name of a bunny who had not spoken up yet. She goes by Brie, which fits into my food names for most of my dolls who are not designated anime/manga characters.
Another time, I was just playing around on the computer and the word Chikara suddenly popped into my head. I had never heard the word before so looked it up. It means power. The Dollzone Megi I had ordered (back in 2006) and waiting to be made pretty much yelled at me all the way from China, saying that was his name.
It happened again recently, again with a Dollzone doll. I ordered a tan Mo-3 to get one before they stopped making the sculpt and forgot about it (still have him on layaway). One day, I heard him say, My name is Max!
Really? Just Max, kiddo?
He did not answer, so it is up to me now to see if I can 'find' the rest of his name, if any.