name dump

May 18, 2011 03:33

Name Dump

Nephilim (ice mage card)

Musashi (samurai card)

Mikogami (onimusya card)

Mufune (samurai card)

Yagyu (samurai card)

Tatsukichi (monk card)

Seaton - Seaton \se(a)-ton\ as a boy's name is of Old English origin, and the meaning of Seaton is "town by the sea". Place name.

Gregoni (merman card)

Great new Japanese word: bimajo. Tokyo Kawaii TV used it for 40-50 something women with killer glamour (literal translation: beauty witch).

Raiden: Mythology: the Japanese god of thunder.

Rinji \r(i)-nji, rin-ji\ as a boy's name is pronounced rin-jee. It is of Japanese origin, and the meaning of Rinji is "peaceful forest".

Yasahiro \ya-sahi-ro, yasa-hiro\ as a boy's name is of Japanese origin, and the meaning of Yasahiro is "serene".

Chumani \ch(u)-ma-ni\ as a girl's name is of Sioux origin, and the meaning of Chumani is "dew".

Alegra \a-leg-ra, al(e)-gra\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Alegra is "cheerful". Spanish name.

Accalia \a-cca-lia, ac-calia\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin. Mythology: the name of the human foster mother of Romulus and Remus, the twins who founded Rome.

Legend has it that after their abandonment as infants, they were initially suckled by a she-wolf. Accalia was her replacement.

Corona \c(o)-ro-na\ as a girl's name is of Latin origin, and the meaning of Corona is "crown". The name of a second-century saint and martyr. It was popular around the coronation of King Edward VII in 1902 as a sentimental homage to royalty. Also the name of a popular Mexican beer.

Lilith \l(i)-li-th\ as a girl's name is of Babylonian origin, and the meaning of Lilith is "belonging to the night". From "lilitu". According to legends told in the Middle Ages, Lilith was the name of Adam's first wife. Because she refused to obey him, she was turned into a demon and Eve was created to take her place.

Shadrach \sh(a)-dra-ch, shad-rach\ as a boy's name is of Babylonian origin, and the meaning of Shadrach is "command of Aku". Aku was the Babylonian moon god. In the Old Testament, one of the three Hebrew men thrown into a fiery furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar and rescued by an angel. Used steadily in the 16th-19th centuries.

Zarek \z(a)-rek\ as a boy's name is pronounced ZAR-ek. It is of Polish origin. Nickname or short form of Belshazzar (Babylonian) "Baal protect the king". Biblical: the son of Nebuchadnezzar, and the last king of Babylon. At a famous feast held by Belshazzar, handwriting appeared on the wall of the hall, warning of the king's doom. This led to our saying, "the writing is on the wall".

Ardis \a-rdis, ar-dis\ as a girl's name is pronounced AR-diss. It is of Scottish and Irish origin. Variant of Ardith.

Azure \a-zu-re\ as a girl's name is pronounced AH-zhure. It is of Spanish origin, and the meaning of Azure is "sky blue". The color, from "azul", used as a given name. Suitable for a blue-eyed baby.

Valen \v(a)-len\ as a boy's name (also used as girl's name Valen), is a variant of Valentine (Latin), and the meaning of Valen is "strong, healthy".

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