Nov 28, 2008 00:30
I have just done what might be the funniest thing in a long while.
I'm sitting here, reading SPN fic (Dean/Castiel, Mmm) and drinking my egg nog, which has a very very tiny amount of rum in it. (All of this was intended to help me get my insomniac ass to sleep, so I can get up and work tomorrow.)
And there is another glass next to mine, with about two gulps of something in it. Milk? Something. I don't know. It was KK's drink, it doesn't matter what's in it.
I moved hers behind mine so I could stop reaching past it to get my drink..
I then, reading and not looking at the glasses, picked hers up instead of mine.
And took a drink.
And promptly SPAT IT BACK INTO THE GLASS. In sheer surprise and "Woah! That's not what I was drinking!"
After which I stare for a moment at the last two gulps of a White Russian, now with my spit added, and start to laugh uncontrollably. All I can think of at that moment is Dogma, and Metatron spitting his tequila because angels aren't allowed to drink. Followed by "omg I just spit in KK's drink.."
So then, I tell my mother, because she's looking confused about my laughter.
Her reaction? "You might as well drink it now."
"Yes, since it now has my spit in it. White russian, now with SPIT."
Her screen nearly took a nice spray of water, too.
My duty here is done. And I've added the drink (with SPIT) to my egg nog.
Mmmm; kahlua, rum, and egg nog. =D With SPIT.
I'm still laughing.
awesomecakes are awesome,
zomg fish!?,
life mocks you with it's monkey pants,
my wacky brain,
angel food (and drink),
fandom ate my brain,
life equals awesome and win