XD I guess it's about time to start uploading Convention Photos. It was an amazing trip..
I was packing and getting ready to Head out. Notice the 3-Tailz plushie somewhere on the bed. And Ignore the Pokemon Pillow ^^;
Then I met up with my friend Colter and his buddy Nic and we headed out in seperate cars for the 2 hour and 15 minute journey.. X_x man I had never driven in such a big city before it was scary
Colter and Nic seemed to be jealous that since the Hotel was soo booked that they put me up on the Consierre floor.. Meaning where I had to use my room key or enter the code to get up to the top floor.. the room was HUGE and I had it all to myself *beam* Colter and Nic were staying off hotel site at another hotel (( I booked the room in September ))
The View from the outside of my door down into the main hotel lobby
First Cosplayer I ran into :)
Then near the Dealers Room I ran into the Uchiha brothers.. they both had Sharingan Contacts.. those were selling for 200 dollars a pair... WTF!? X_x
My mother had sent me with a big bag of candy.. and I wasn't gonna eat it, so I proceeded to run around as the " Candy Ninja" Passing around Candy... I got to give Rock Lee a big Hug!
And Then Gai ^__^
And I donated Pocky to Orochimaru
Naraku and Miroku were wanting to do naughty things to my Inu Yasha plushie... O_o
The Random kitty girl clinging to Orochimaru's Tail...before she was killed XD
ALL HAIL THE GIANT POCKY BOX- wait, PEOPLE stop chewing on the BOX!
Naraku X Jaken .... Poor Kouga wants to Join
Everyone's Favorite Shinigami.. DUO MAXWELL (( got to hang out with her, she was awesome))
He's posing just for you
mettekrangnes XD
Dealers Room
Dealers Room Part 2
He was awesome to talk to XD he was 7 foot 7 Inches
Scary thing is.. Luffy DID Act like Luffy
I ran into
http://devlinne.deviantart.com while I was there. She was soo cute to talk to
Itachi.. the Secret KISS Fan
(( The Pocky did.. everyone ganged up on the Robot defending Pocky and security had to be called ))
And then there were the Ventura Brothers..
Highlight of the Convention.. meeting
Http://druihd.deviantart.com She was so sweet and nice and awesome, she and I talked about INu Yasha and art for a good half hour to 45 minutes. I wish I had dropped by again.
They are so thrilled to be there
Rainbow Brite......... XD
Random Red Pimp.. I dunno XD
I took her picture.. I hit the Fatal Frame shot.. 1,000+ points... I get 7 more days to live...
Legolar and Luigi... Doujinshi Anyone?
Used now as my FRIENDS ONLY and WEBCAM pic. I had to.. being 6 feet tall it's rare to run into anyone WAY taller than me I was amused
I shot Heero.. Muahahahah
Convention letting up on the last day
Last Pic! Time to go home!
Anywho that is the end of the Photos.. Sorry if it takes long to load I know there are a TON in there but I wanted to share a bunch with everyone. I had a wonderful time and I am going to be online all today if anyone wants to chat ( Aim and MSN )
Catch'a Lata!