current clothing:sweater and jeans current mood:content current taste:diet coke current hair:messed up and in my face current annoyance:my mom current smell:uhm.. nothing current thing you ought to be doing:homework current jewelry:necklaces.. plugs.. earrings.. yea.. the usual current book:slaughter house 5 current refreshment:diet coke current worry:this art assignment that im behind in.. current crush:eh. no one really:/ current favorite celebrity:dave chappelle current longing:... current music:pretty girls current wish:umm.. current lyric in your head:.. this love has taken its toll on me.. current makeup (if you're a girl!):eyeliner current undergarments:underwear and a bra.. mmhm current regret:*shrugs* current desktop picture:stars current plans for tonight/weekend:nothing.. probably just finish up my work current cuss word du jour:fuck current disappointment:blah current amusement:this string on my sweater ... o_O current IM/person you're talking to:jackie, courtney and ben current love:my bed current obsession:none current avoidance:food current thing or things on your wall:posters.. flyers.. stars.. pictures current favorite book:slaughter house 5 current favorite movie:rushmore
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