Muffins 'Verse | #09; Stolen Glances

Oct 19, 2015 03:18

Title: Stolen Glances
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Jared/Jensen. Mac and Cheese. It's that simple.
Warnings: If you're hungry I'm sorry.
Word Count: 1350
Summary: Jared cooks for Jensen during his recovery.
Notes: I'm easing myself back into writing after almost two years away so bare with me, I know this isn't long at all, but hopefully its at least literate. If you've been with this 'verse since the begining then once again, so sorry for the indefinate hiatus. If you're new, hi, hello, this is a universe in which Jensen has cancer and meets Jared outside a coffee shop where they ate muffins on their first date. You might want to read some of the previous parts first to get the full gist :)
Extras: Jensen's Apartment Layout
Previous Parts: #01 | #02 | #03 | #04 | #05 | #06 | #07 | #08
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