Title: Light, complete in 3 chapters
tebtoscaRating: NC-17
Pairings/Characters: Jared/Jensen, JDM, Alona, Jim, DJ, Matt, OMC
Warnings: Brief physical violence, suicide, nightmares, major character deaths. Spoiler in masterpost
Disclaimer: "Light" is based entirely on "Sunshine" 2007. Writer: Alex Garland, Director: Danny Boyle. I have made several changes to the plot, relationships, timeline but the plot is basically the same. Any similarity to any real people living or dead is purely a mistake ;)
Summary: In Earth's future the sun began to die. A team of scientists was sent out to re-ignite the star on the ship Impala I. Their mission failed. Seven years later, the Impala II was sent to make a second attempt. They are the earth's last, best, hope.
masterpost on LJfic on AO3