Apr 23, 2009 15:31
[The first thing heard is just incessant barking, loud and obnoxious as it continues for several minutes, strangely hollow sounding.]
Shhh... Shhh, hush boy. That hurts...
[The sound quiets for the moment and rustling can be heard.] Mnh...Why's it so - [A pause.] No. Nonono. Terra? Terra! TERRA, HELP! [The barking starts again.]
Dammit, stop. Shh, stop it. ...Where are you anyway? I can't see. C'mere boy. [A wolfish whimper is close, and then the communicator clicks twice.] ...Oh, hey. You found that.. Good boy.
[There's silence, and then more rustling, and then banging. The barking starts back up with the banging and Roxas doesn't quiet him for the moment.] ...Here. Dammit, come here. Yeah, keep digging like that. I think I'm stuck.
[The post times out.]
gonna feel this tomorrow,
bleeding from the ears here,
under rubble,
there goes my house,
dammit is a good boy,
barking is good,
ow my head