I know I haven't been around much lately, but you know it goes. Work blows. I will try to get the icons I need to post up within the next couple of weeks. It'll be a huge entry, too. Over 200 icons. Onto the entry itself...
I've been working on a new fic for a little while now. (It is currently with betas. YAY! And I'm almost ready to start typing chapter two up in a little while.) It's a crossover piece, and it does have the potential to be truly epic. Which is why I'm a little nervous about it in the first place. But anyway... I was working on a piece of cover art for it, and this is what I came up with. Enjoy. ^__^
PS: I'm also working on a soundtrack to this piece. It will likely be posted in bits, as in chapter by chapter, and will be beyond cheesy, 'cause I loves me some cheese.
Disclaimer: The title for the cover art and the fic itself comes from "Building a Mystery" by Sarah McLachlan. I don't own anything except my car, my cell phone, and myself. Carson is property of himself and QVC these days. Spike and Angel are Joss'. All hail Joss. The brushes and techniques are culled from across the internet. See my creativity journal's user info for the complete list of brush credits.