May 20, 2008 20:22
I told myself that I would not watch AF5 because it would be damn alien and unfamiliar. & because of Os of course.
K back on track.
True enough, AF5 is super alienic and unfamiliar. Even the theme song sucks, so much for the modification to make it "new"? I've thought about it and I think I'm not being biased, it seriously sucks ass. They sound really good now while having singing lessons o_o but then the theme song is ZOMGWTHIWANNAFAINT .____.
But I can't stop watching because the house is... talent-packed O_O|||.
Can't elaborate much yet because I haven't observed them long enough, I don't plan to (and really hopefully hope that I really really seriously won't).
A few things:
*choo-pee-do choo-choo-pee-do-lalala~* (the starting of Lalai damn cute lah wtf LOL)
Ahem okay sorry high-about-AF5 Ice.
No prob addict Ice, don't do it again please.
The new house, I don't know whether they still call it Magnolias, it's FREAKING HUGE and the interior design makes it look like the X-Men HQ or something. LOL.
+ Gym.
+ Vending machines.
+ Electric drumset.
+ Bigger toilets.
+ Kru'Karn slimmed down.
+ Kru'Jay dyed his hair golden.
- No more Kru'Heejong & Kru'Ray ))):
- It feels so unhomely sobs.
- SADDEST OF THE SADDEST: not seeing last year's gang in the house T__T! (I know 'duh' BUT STILL!!! T^T)
I don't like Mick.
-.- Exactly the bimbo I had expected even before they moved in.