(no subject)

May 22, 2004 12:24

+` name: justin
+` gender: male
+` height: 5'11
+` hair color: black
+` eye color: brown
+` location: dix hills
+` fears: being alone

+` peed in ur pants: yea
+` cheated on someone: yeah
+` fallen off the bed: yeah
+` fallen for a relative: no
+` had plastic surgery: no
+` failed a grade: no
+` broke someones heart: yeah
+` had ur heart broken: yeah
+` done something you regret: yeah
+` cheated on a test: no
+` broken a body part: yeh

+` wearing: jeans and unearth shirt
+` listening to: hopesfall
+` chewing: nothing
+` feeling: okay
+` reading: this quiz, nothing else otherwise
+` located: my..computer area room
+` chatting with: steph
+` watching: nothing
+` should really be: doing something else

SECTi0N>4: D0 Y0U_
+` brush ur teeth: yeah
+` like anybody: no
+` have any piercings: no
+` drive: no
+` believe in santa: no
+` ever get off the pc: yeah

+` who is ur best: greg, steph..a few more..
+` the loudest: steph
+` shyest: ..rick
+` hottest: i guess id say steph or erika
+` who do u hang out with most: greg
+` laughs the most: ..steph
+` known the longest: mike ob
+` known the shortest/least: uumm..whitney i guess
+` do u hang out with a certain "type": no
+` do u belong to a crew: no
+` consider urself popular: no
+` trust ur friends: most, yeh
+` are u a good friend: yeh
+` can u keep a secret: yeah

+` hugged: erika
+` gave eprops to: i don't know
+` IMed: steph
+` talked to on the fone: steph
+` yelled at: uum..kryss i think
+` fell in love with: dont matter
+` tripped: idk..

+` wat do u want to be when u grow up: touring in a band, doing something involving the computer/internet
+` wat was the worst day of ur life: had alot..
+` most embarrassing story: i don't know
+` the best day of ur life: eeh, had alot of awesome days
+` wat comes first in ur life: friends and music
+` do u have a bf/gf/crush: no
+` if u had an extra set of eyes, where would u put them: on my backhand
+` what do you usually think about before you go to bed: music or girls..or problems

+` movie: alot
+` song: too many
+` store: ..tower, guitar center, li drum center..a few more
+` relative: uncle chris
+` sport: dont have one
+` vacation spot: idk..im picky now
+` fruit: not too big of a fan, grapes are good though
+` candy: idk..i prefer chocolate nd stuff..
+` holiday: xmas
+` day of the week: sat
+` colors: blue, black, nd gray
+` name for a girl: ..idk
+` name for a boy: dunno

SECTi0N>9: D0 Y0U_
+` like to give hugs: yeah
+` like to walk in the rain: not usually
+` sleep with or without clothes on: with
+` blue or black pens: black
+` dress up for halloween: not usually
+` have a job: no
+` like to travel: sometimes
+` like someone: no
+` sleep on side, stomach, or back: stomache
+` think ur attractive: no
+` want to marry: sometime
+` have a goldfish: no
+` have stuffed animals: no
+` go on vacation: yeh

+` abortion: pro choice
+` bill clinton: hes a persident
+` eating disorders: sucks
+` suicide: sucks
+` tattoos: be original
+` piercings: their cool
+` make up: dont abuse it
+` drinking: fun
+` guys: good if their cool
+` girls: bad if their ugly and dumb

+` pierced nose or tongue: nose
+` be serious or funny: both..but funny
+` single or taken: taken
+` simple or complicated: simple
+` law or action: action
+` mtv or bet: mtv
+` 7th heaven or dawson's creek: dawsons?
+` sugar or salt: sugar
+` silver or gold: silver
+` tongue or belly button ring: tongue, too many chicks have belly button
+` chocolate or flowers: chocolate
+` angels or miracles: angels are cooler
+` color or black&white photos: both..but..color
+` sunrise or sunset: sunset
+` m&ms or skittles: m&ms
+` rap or rock: rock
+` stay up late or sleep: stay up late
+` tv or radio: radio
+` taller or shorter members of the opposite sex: shorter
+` sun or moon: moon
+` diamond or ruby: eeh..diamond
+` left or right: right
+` 10 aquaintances or one best friend: one best friend
+` vanilla or chocolate: vanilla
+` kids or no kids: kids..in a long time..when im married
+` cat or dog: cat
+` mustard or ketchup: ketchup
+` spring or fall: spring
+` give or receive: receive
+` rain or snow: rain
+` lace or satin: ..satin
+` a year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship: lifetime of friendship
+` happy or sad: happy
+` corduroy or plaid: corduroy
+` wonder or amazement: amazement
+` sneakers or sandals: sneakers
+` McDonalds or Burger King: burger king
+` duct tape or scotch tape: duct tape
+` candy or soda: candy
+` a house in the woods or the city: city

+` do u go to church: usually, no
+` do u like church: no
+` why or why not: i dont believe in god, but my parents will make me go sometimes
+` wats ur favorite kind of tree: trees..the illegal kind :)
+` out of all ur friends who has the coolest room: not sure..steph
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