Sirens of Titan

Feb 21, 2005 22:25

New thoughts or ideas seem to come in patterns a lot of the time. I'm reading Sirens of Titan and there is a point made about memories not being able to be fully erased from a human's memory, that fragments will always remain. There is a quote from a fictional character at the beginning of chapter 5...

"We can make the center of a man's memory virtually as sterile as a scalpel fresh from the autoclave. But grains of new experience begin to accumulate on it at once... Unfortunately, this problem of recontamination seems insoluble."

This is coincidental for me because I just watched The Forgotten two days ago. In the movie, a certain event was erased from the memory of many people. Not only a certain event, but the memory of these people's actual children. And no matter how affective the erasing was, there was always a way that somehow, those people could regain their memories. As if those lives, those experiences, were scribed onto their very hearts. This whole idea is also very apparent in Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

It's disorienting and heart-wrenching when I think of the person who just broke up with me about 2 weeks ago. I saw him once since then- on Valentine's Day for a short time. And yet, this person, all those memories and experiences almost seem to have been a dream or a fantasy. It's all so unreal to me now, now that I've lost that connection, that closeness that I've never had with anyone before in my life. It doesn't seem possible, or even more so, even RIGHT to be able to be THAT close to someone, so tied together in mind and heart, and then to be separated to the point where you don't even talk to the other person on a regular basis. Or even at all. It seems like something that goes against the very nature of the Universe, or I could say as much as against the very nature of the human heart.

Even if my ties had a lot to do with feeling secure, I have still lost someone I held in my heart as someone who I admired and loved more than anyone I had before that was not part of my family. As much as I fought it, I let someone closer to my heart than ever before. And this separation is ruthless to my sense of feeling, to my sense of what is real, to my sense of hope.

And though I feel my memories were but a dream...

"Your face it dances and it haunts me
Your laughter's still ringing in my ears
I [will] still find pieces of your presence here
Even after all these years...
If I lived till I was 102
I just don't think I'll ever get over you"
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