For no apparent reason, I decided to go back and read some posts that I made a while ago. Actually, there was a reason, but I dont remember what it was anymore.
Anyways, I noticed quite a change from when I was a teenager, to now that Im in college and older. I mean, of course theres the obvious, but some of the content as well. And the frequency that I post, or lack thereof now as compared to at least once a day back then. I guess I just have better things to do. But thats obviously not true, because I check my friends page at least once a day, its my homepage, so I always open up to it...
Oh...I just remembered why I started looking at past entries, its because I wanted to see if I had the date of when I got my Ipod, so I can send it in to get a new one. But I didnt find it. However, I found when I got my industrial. Which looks like this now...
If you are an avid reader of my stuff, you probably noticed that in my last update, I said I would post an update on my life the next monday or something. I guess monday never really happened... So I have that entry saved somewhere on my computer, and will be posted as soon as I remember. But I cant provide you with an actual date, because if I didnt do it, I would feel like I lied to you twice!!! Big OH NOES!!! yeah...
I spent about 10 hours in the hopsital today, from a lil before 7 to just before 5...Thats crazy!!!
More on that to come in future posts.