This is WHO I AM

Jun 01, 2007 05:44

You know, I've never been surer of my nerd status until tonight.

First I spend time talking about a Dr. Who RP and a D&D game (in which I play a cleric) with the gamemaster for both. This included looking for "Bad Case of Loving You (Doctor, Doctor)" by Robert Palmer on Youtube, to see if my projection that a Dr. Who fanvid would be on the first page of results was correct. Then I do a fandom meme for my LJ. Then I spent a while organizing my Pokemon using Pokemon Box: Ruby & Sapphire, watched a little Drawn Together (the only un-nerdy thing of the night... well, that and some peeking at ratings comms). Then, I spent some time surfing the webs, including looking at cat macros on facebook. Then, I busted out Pokemon: Leaf Green and started working on breeding baby starters again. After a while of training up a combusken and hatching eggs, I put on some music and lay down in bed to keep training. "Catapult," an OCRemix from Sonic & Knuckles came up. So what did I do? With my gameboy in one hand, I got up and started dancing to "Catapult." Lame dancing, becuase I can't dance unless there are arrows under my feet. But the real kicker, is that while I was dancing, I was pressing my D-pad to drive around and work on hatching what I believe is a squirtle egg.

And to top it all off? My pajama shirt is a Perl Camel shirt that I got in that "random shirt" sale at ThinkGeek, which I won't wear in public because I don't actually know Perl.

Still on my to-do list? Shower, Dr. Who RP, studying D&D, maybe working on a fandom meme I did a while ago with entries for Dark City and Harry Potter, downloading the latest Sonic OC Remix, and breeding a few kangaskahn and some other rare goodies for my cousins, who have promised me an ekans and out of whom I may be able to con an electabuzz. If I can get an ekans and an electabuzz, and evolve or breed them as appropriate, that'll bring me up to 382/386. At that point, I'll only need credit only for Mew, Ho-oh, Celebi, and Deoxys.

And for the record, I have 145 hours logged on LG, and I only got it in the fall of 2004. I probably have similar amounts of time logged in Ruby, and signficantly less in Colosseum and Sapphire.

Wow. Beatdrop kicks butt.

...a CHARMANDER? what the... Oh, I was confused. well, I'll put that in the box with the other charmander eggs.

Anyway, yeah. I'm such a nerd.

tv, fandom, sonic, music, d&d, geek, pkmn, clothes, gwenda, who

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