
May 13, 2007 12:58

Thanks, her_reinvention, for reminding me about the fannish5!

What five unexplained mysteries or questions raised by canon do you most wish you knew the answer to?

I'm going with different fandoms here, for the record.

Slight spoilers below for Sonic (games, specifically Shadow the Hedgehog and Sonic the Hedgehog 2006), Pokemon (anime, The First Movie and Mewtwo Returns), Power Rangers: Space Patrol Delta ("Insomnia" and "Resurrection"), Pokemon Mystery Dungeon (through Western Cave), and Black Girl/White Girl by Joyce Carol Oates. In that order.

1. How is Sonic related to Shadow? Okay, I know the case for this is weaker now becuase of Amy trying to jump Silver's bones (Sonic! Sonic is not a fricking cockatiel!), but really, how come EVERYONE thinks Sonic and Shadow are one? Well, clearly they must look very similar, if the FREAKING NEWS, Eggman, and Amy all mistake them for one another. They have similar powers that normal hedgehogs don't seem to have, although Silver, again, does. And Sonic acted weird as all get out during Shadow. Clearly there's something going on here. But is Sonic a clone of Shadow? Is Shadow a clone of Sonic or one of Sonic's ancestors? Shadow complicates this. Are they in fact the same dude? Well, I'd say Next Gen nixes that. Clearly there's some relation here. Is time travel involved? Is Silver involved? I want to know what Sonic is. ANY backstory would be nice.

2. What the hell does Mew have to do with the spring at Mt. Keyna? The mountain has been showing up EVERYWHERE since the first act of MSB, but what does Mew have to do with it?

3. What EXACTLY happened to Mora in "Insomnia?" I mean, we know she got brainwashed in some way, but what actually happened? Mind control? Possession? Is Grumm under the same influence? Is ISINIA? Is that the "Pit of Doom" they put Piggy in? Is Piggy resistant to this?

4. What happened to the humans in Mystery Dungeon? ;.; According to the info for Decrepit Lab and Power Plant... they had to have been there. And, link cables, hello? Plus, the badges... and Mewtwo. Where'd they go?

5. In Black Girl/White Girl, who was the one leaving all the racial harassment for Minette? I think it was Crystal Odom, but could it have been their RA or whatever she was called? Could it have been Minette herself? Could it have been Genna? Who? Why? Whyyyy?

Also, D&D FTW. Okay, I don't actually know what I'm doing, but I'm having fun.

pmd, pr, fandom, sonic, d&d, pkmn, shadow, spd, bgwg, fan5

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