All the Time in the World

May 22, 2012 02:58

Pairing : Yoosu
Author : OnlySu
Rating : PG-13
Genre : Fluff, FLUFF
Word count : 1764
Summary : They are childhood friend, the one that can't be seen one without the other

I love fluff. I love them so much. Hope you enjoy this silly little thing from me :)
warning, unbetaed, and english is not my mother language, so yes, there will be many mistakes here and there

They are childhood friends. They are never one without the other. If you want to see Junsu, just ask where Yoochun is, and you will find them, together there. They grow up together. The one that people call as fate, destiny, and whatever things you could name to them.  They were born in a small village under the mountain. It is a place where the river will reflect the golden ray of the sunshine and the wind still whispers gently as it is caressing your skin. It is small, beautiful, and peaceful. When they were children, together they ran between the tall golden grass and tree, catching butterfly as they were shouting each other name. And now, when the sun is rising from the east, revealing the bright beautiful autumn sky, you will see the two of them together embracing the day.


They are moving fast. Yoochun pushes the pedal of his old grandfather bicycle as hard as he can. He almost lost his balance when Junsu suddenly stands up from his seat. The frail mechanic wobbles at the hill. Junsu stands up from his seat, not caring for the effect of his action to the driver in front of him. He spreads his arms, feeling the wind in his face, making his brown hair dance like crazy. The brown cheerful eyes twinkle beautifully as he shouts to the sky.


“Would you stop doing that every morning, it’s annoying.” Yoochun shouts, making his best friend pouts, as he sits back to his seat, not too carefully, making the bicycle again wobbles from his action.

“And stop moving, we need to get to school as fast as possible. We are late…” The older one complains.

Junsu looks at the shoulder and the back of his friend. It isn’t big, nor it is strong. It isn’t like Jaejoong’s or Yunho’s where the village girl will giggle at the sight of their muscular and well-built body. Yoochun’s is lean, small, almost frail and delicate. Junsu believes one shove from him and he will roll down from the hill. However, for the boy, it is the most beautiful body and back he has ever seen. For him it is delicate and beautiful, the one he will never get bored to look at, especially from his seat at the back of the old bicycle. One of the good things that Yoochun’s back have is its warmth. Junsu can feel it, the warm that radiates from the older one. It makes him feel safe, comfortable, special, and the most important thing of all, it makes him feel never alone. He smiles secretly as he leans his forehead toward the back that he loves so much and sighs. He surely is more than willing to trade everything he has, even his life as long as he can feel it near him. He feels bliss, warm, and content as he closes his eyes, savoring every special moment that feels nothing but right.

“Hey Junsu, don’t you dare to sleep there…”

Junsu giggles softly as he pretends to not hearing the other’s complains.

“Junsu… YAH!”

“Would you shut up and drive?”

“You were sleeping, were you?

“I wasn’t.”

How can I sleep when I am with you? Why must I waste my precious time with sleeping when you are this close to me?


Yoochun knows that his Su-ie isn’t sleeping. Yoochun knows when his precious little boy behind him is smiling secretly as he leans toward his back. Yoochun just knows. He knows Junsu, like his other half, and he sometimes believes that he knows the cute hyperactive boy more than himself. Moreover, he knows what will come next. He smiles as he feels the other is encircling his arms to his stomach. He resists the urge to giggle as Junsu leans his head to his back again. He hears the other sings softly. It is a song about the forest, and the tree, the mountain, and the people. It is a song about the home that he loves so much, because he knows that there will always the other boys waits for him in front of his house after dinner. Then, they will go out to the meadow, walking together hand in hand as they count the star beneath them together. Sometimes they will catch the firefly and put it in jar, pretending it is a fallen star, and hoping something secretly. It is silly of course, but Yoochun loves it when Junsu holds the jar so tight, closes his eyes, and mumbles his wish.

Yoochun loves Junsu’s voice. He loves it as they blend together with the crisp morning air, or the soft wind on the night. However, He loves it the most when at time like this. The speed of the bicycle carries the other voice, making it evaporates in the air, and Yoochun becomes the only one who can hear it resonates from the boy in his back.

“Hey…  We are late…”

“You have said it about twelve times now.”

“It is because of you, you are so difficult to wake up.”

“It is because you aren’t ride this old thing fast enough.”

Yoochun bursts laughing at the smart remark.

“How about we skip class together?”

“Huh?” Junsu lifted his head from Yoochun’s back, making the other boys cursed a little at the lost of the warmth.

“We are late… I don’t want the old hag nags us like there is no tomorrow.”

Junsu keeps quiet. Yoochun knows that the other boy is hesitating. However, Yoochun knows, in the end, Junsu will come with him. He knows it, that the other boy will never leave him, ever… So he turned his bicycle, drives away from the boring high school down the hill.


They drive to the river at the east village, the one beside the forest. Yoochun put his bicycle beside it, as he sat at the side of the beautiful sparkling running water. Junsu could hear the sound of the water splashing the rock.

“Junsu… come here…”

Junsu looked at the other boy. He is smiling sweetly as his hand pats the spot beside him, mentioning the other to come over and sit beside him.  As soon as his derriere touched the grass, the other boy puts his head to his lap.

“Hey… You ass, do you think I am you personal pillow?”

“Shut up, let me sleep for a moment… I haven’t had any nice sleep since my little brother born.”

Junsu smiles at the other’s remark, and soon enough, Yoochun is snoring. Junsu giggles at the boy in his lap, as his hand unconsciously reaches the other hair, caressing it slowly. Junsu sighs as he feels Yoochun’s soft hair runs between his fingers.

This is happiness.

He looks at Yoochun’s sleeping face. He was handsome. He was everything that Junsu can ask. He was perfection, a beautiful piece of puzzle that completes Junsu life. And before Junsu knew it he has already fallen for this little naughty creature.

The only thing that he wishes to his God, is that he can have all the time in his world so he can together forever like this with his Yoochun-ie.


Yoochun doesn’t sleep. He just pretends to…

He knows if he awoke, Junsu wouldn’t dare to show his affection for him.

His heart clenched. He feels the soft caresses from his most dear boy. It was comforting, peaceful, and Yoochun can’t ask for more.  Somewhere deep down in his heart he wants to pull Junsu down and kisses him senselessly. He yearns for the warmth of the other close to him, hoping that they will get more and more closer. He hopes that there will be a day when they will be molded together into one and can’t be separated again. This day, this entire little thing almost drives the boy crazy.

Yoochun knows he has already fallen, and he know that it is a deep fall. Yoochun sighs in his heart. He surely knows that the cute boy someday will be the end of him. His patience is wearing thin as he wants to hug, and squeeze Junsu, and never let him go again. Hell, he wants to scream on top of his lung. He wants to declare his love to the mountain, to the river, to the blue autumn sky that Junsu loves so much. He wants that every golden tall grass knows about this little secret between them, the one that Yoochun knows that they are keeping from each other.

Yoochun opens his eyes, only to see the other warm brown of orbs stare back at him. He looks at the face of his childhood friend, the one that that people call as fate, destiny, and whatever things you could name to them. He is the one that running together with him, as they were children, running across the hill with beautiful tree and the golden ray of sunset surrounding them. He looks at the pair of eyes that he knows won’t ever leave him behind, nor avoid him. He smiles and leans his hands to caress the other boy’s cheeks. The confession of love is in the tips of his tongue as the other watches him in confusion. He feels his heart is thumping and his temperature is rising. It is too much, making him wake up from his nap and in need to calm his heart.

He looks away, mumbling to himself, cursing himself for being such a coward.

“Look Yoochun-ie, there are many butterflies here,” Junsu shouted as he pointed his finger toward the butterflies that suddenly surround them.

Yoochun looks at Junsu’s happy face as the other giggles at the sight of beautiful blue butterfly dances around them. And when Junsu pulled his hand to do silly things like catching the butterflies, Yoochun can only laugh with thousand of butterfly wings of happiness flapping in his heart. He knows it will be okay. He knows Junsu is the one that destined… Fated… Just for him. He always knows since they were children and the world still a big mysteries for them (It still is, unfortunately) that Junsu will always be there beside him, and that it will be okay.

He knows that they will have all the time in the world just to be together.


They are childhood friend, the one that inseparable even more than blood brother. And when you look for one of them, you can ask for the other, because you will find them together for all the time in the world.

How is it?
Tell meeeeee!!!!
Wkakaka, I really want to know, your comment is all too precious for me, so let me know.... 
Anything.. Everything, just tell me

yoo-su, fanfiction, oneshot

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