The Mainland, A Diner

Aug 19, 2010 11:43

Hayley was finding she was quite good at this waitressing thing.

Okay, so running off on her own was inherently stupid of her, but she'd justified that by thinking that Fandom was just one bridge away if she ran into trouble. And so far, she'd managed beautifully. It was like a karmic reward, not that Hayley would truly understand the concept of karma if you sat down and explained it to her. Oh, she'd nod along like she grasped it all, but when it was all over she'd just ask someone else if they could explain it.

But right now, all Hayley had to worry about was the lunch rush, making sure to smile, and figuring out how to get the best tips without working herself to death. It was hard work but she had a little terrible apartment that was all her own. She paid her bills on time, and was scrimping and saving so she could attend a modelling school.

Of course, she had a slight problem with dropping the sporadic plate (only when taking them away, thankfully, never a plate with fresh food on it) didn't help, but thankfully Hayley's unique charm had endeared her to the diner's owners.

So far, life after Gotham was treating Hayley Fitzpatrick rather nicely.
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