Twenty-Nine [locked to DATS Commanders but fail lock, actually locked to DATS]

Aug 09, 2008 04:44

Commanders Satsuma, Suguru and Yushima.

... I know this is a bad time, or not what with Masaru and Yoshino's wedding having gone past, and I'm not shirking my duties as an agent of DATS but. I need to take a small break, for personal reasons. If I may. I'll have Neemon with me, and my D-comm so...

Yeah. I'm not very good at asking this.

I'd also prefer it if my Unit leader didn't know, but I'm pretty sure that won't happen.

So, if I am allowed to do this I'll be leaving the base as soon as possible sirs. And I'll try to keep it as short as possible so I may return to my duties with DATS as normal.

cynical kyon is cynical, yare yare, kyon *heart*... mikuru?!?, kyon is tired and wants to sleep, log post, the universe haets kyon, kyon *heart* haruhi

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