Jul 10, 2008 12:13
Do you remember the interview I went to a couple of weeks ago that I never heard from again? I thought they gave the job to someone else. Well, I got an email from the guys today saying they still haven't made a decision!!!!! I could STILL get that job!! Sheesh.
Going on another one today. Bad day for an interview, since my daughter left for America today. I tried hard not to get upset before she got on the plane, but there was a bit of tears anyway. But not as many as when I couldn't see her anymore. I broke down. I'm so glad P was there with me!! Still a wee bit upset but trying to concentrate on the interview so that should keep me occupied. At least for awhile.
I have another one next Wednesday. Hoping that one of these pan out! I'm tired of NOT working - I NEED to work, get out of the house, contribute to the household.
Anyway, wish me luck (even if its silently) and I'll keep you posted.
I will get some updates posted soon. Just been so very busy.
Gotta go get ready .... gotta leave in about 45 minutes!
Interview went really, really, really well!! Something happened as soon as I walked in that may give me a plus. The potential employer had a computer glitch that I was actually able to fix. That made a great first impression! He even told me he enjoyed the interview. (That's only happened to me one other time.) I sent a quick email thank you when I got home and he was happily surprised and told me that I'd hear from him by early next week. **Fingers crossed** (except when I'm typing!!)