(no subject)

Sep 21, 2004 20:58

That's the only place where I can sleep really, really, good. I SLEEP BETTER THERE THAN I SLEEP IN MY OWN FUCKING BED. :(((((

Name: Rachelle
Birth date: 5.10.87
Birthplace: Spokane, Wa
Current Location: Cheney, Wa
Eye Color: Grayish blue
Hair Color: dark blonde with black streaks
Height: 5'10
Righty or Lefty: right but i can do both
Zodiac Sign: taurus

Your heritage: German, italian, french, irish...
The shoes you wore today: um. i forgot.
Your weakness: hahaa i have tons
Your fears: failing
Your perfect pizza: cheese
Goal you'd like to achieve: graduate college, get a nice job, live happy

Your most overused phrase on AIM: eh?
Your first waking thoughts: what day is it
Your best physical feature: noneeee
Your most missed memory: being happy and young

Pepsi or Coke: neither
McDonald's or Burger King: mcdonalds
Single or group dates: group
Adidas or Nike: adidas
Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: lipton
Chocolate or vanilla: vanilla
Cappuccino or coffee: neither

Smoke: sometimes
Cuss: yes
Sing: always
Take a shower everyday: shower or bath yes
Do you think you've been in love: of course
Want to go to college: no. but i am.
Liked high school: nope
Want to get married: maybe
Believe in yourself: nope
Get motion sickness: in cars
Think you're attractive: nope
Think you're a health freak: most of the time
Get along with your parent(s): most of the time
Like thunderstorms: sometimes
Play an instrument: yeah

LAYER SIX: In the past month...
Drank alcohol: yes
Smoked: yes
Done a drug: yes
Made Out: yes
Gone on a date: yes
Gone to the mall?: yes
Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: no
Eaten sushi: no
Been on stage: no
Been dumped: no
Gone skating: no
Made homemade cookies: yes
Gone skinny dipping: no
Dyed your hair: yes
Stolen Anything: yes

Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
If so, was it mixed company: yes
Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: yea
Been caught "doing something": lol no
Been called a tease: yeah but it was a joke, i hope
Gotten beaten up: no
Shoplifted: yea
Changed who you were to fit in: naw

Age you hope to be married: sometime between 20 and 30
Numbers and Names of Children: i dunno haha
Describe your Dream Wedding: at my church
How do you want to die: old
Where do you want to go to college:eastern
What do you want to be when you grow up: something weird
What country would you most like to visit: africa

Number of drugs taken illegally: tons
Number of people I could trust with my life: a dozen or more
Number of CDs that I own: tons
Number of piercings: 6
Number of tattoos: 0
Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper?: lots
Number of scars on my body: like 59685974
Number of things in my past that I regret: i regret almost everything
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