Dec 05, 2009 21:00

There's going to be no mention of anything Doctor Barbie did while I was visiting my ex-wife and holding her claw while she screeched at me about how she doesn't ever have enough curly fries. No. Mention. Capiche? I will not be answering to "Barge Queen" or "Coxasaurus Rex" or "Coxinator." Same rules go as before.

All of you need to fall down a hole somewhere.

Also, I need a drinking buddy to ignore. First come first served. You have to like scotch and the Detroit Red Wings and not talk. Otherwise, you're out.

[Private to Rassssssssilon]

Razzle-Dazzle. I'm your warden. I don't plan on getting to know you because I just don't care. But if you go tromping around the Barge killing people that looks bad on me and that's just not allowed. I'm better than you and I will always be better than you.

Don't get into trouble. There. I'm done for this week.

[Private to Infirmary folk]

I'm a doctor and a pretty damn good one. I need something to do on this stupid ship besides pretending to care about some stupid bastard who got his good ideas mixed up with his bad ones.

alcoholism is always funny, perry hates everyone, perry hates his job kind of, perry is a terrible warden most days, perry, 003

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