>_< Okay, so here's the entry I posted when I got home from the party last night:
So it's 2:00 AM. I can't type this in my livejournal because i don't want to go tdaownstairs. so I'm typing this in noetpad and then i will copy and past e it in the sober morning. oops.
Tonight was good. It was the ice cream cake and beer party. We held it at frasu's and it was amazing, let me tell you. i bought the cake, after going to target and buying random things, like wine glasses for 74 cents with michelle and dan. it was a good time.
and then we went to Michelle's and started coordinating. like I said I bought the cake, so that was good. Me and Michelle dug into it right awya and it was great, as well. Thne we started to invite more people over, and soon Cameron adn John arrived, then steev, shad, and Kyle, and then garrett, jacob, kailin, and pat, and then schober, and mikey too. It was good, as well.
Kailin put in Aqua Teen Hunger Force, Vol. 3, after I danced the Napolean dynamite dance. I'm pretaty cool sometimes?????/ Not really.
The unthinkable happened tonight, as well. Be proud, Schober and Michelle, because Schober, I smoked weed for the first time, and Michelle, ti was at your house.
However I also had 4 beers so right now I don't actually know how i fele. my arms a tlieetle numb right now.
Gaqrret Dart was there. He is pretty mcu the most beautiful guy ih vae ever seen. oops I missed up that sentence damn.
dmikey drove me home. we had a good party at michelle's tonight, and I had girl talk with Michelle and Crystal, and Garrett heard his name. Aaggh.
I know some of you are pronably really disappointed in me because I smoked tonight, but you also have to know that I'm a curious and strange girl, and I want to experience things. Not that I'm going to go do coke now, but you know. I'm not the most conservative girl, i suppose, but to each his/her own. I have to admit, at the beginning of the year I wondered aboug smoking pot, and then Garrett told me it's one of those things tha tpeople should try. and that's okay with me. I might have said eI smokedw eed fo the first time to him. He's so gorgeous.
So it's time to lie in bed, and then drink some water.
I hope all of you that showed up had fun, because I did.
Don't hold me responsible for being honest. Oops.
And now...the pictures:
Mmm Dan
Look at the beauty. The cake and Frazoo.
Hell yeah. ICE CREAM CAKE!!!
Kyle's excited for cake!
I hope Shad is excited for cake!
Oh, Frazoo, that's not cake! But it's still fun.
Then these guys showed up, and they were like, "CAKE??!"
And Kyle said, "ooh camera"
Yeah, that's right. That cake was damn good.
Well, this is definitely not cake. But it's still cool. Look at those wine glasses.
Michelle and I are lovers.
Jacob in the foreground and Dart sneaking off into the night.
Yep. Sometimes I'm pretty cool?