Fun in other languages!

Jun 16, 2007 11:52

Oh, dear.

I'm taking a compulsory French skills assessment test for Mount Allison, so I can start registering for classes (I can't enroll in any French classes without taking this test), and I have NO FREAKING CLUE.

I never use passe compose! Only imparfait! That's what all Immersion students do! I don't know how to use "aller" in the present tense! Ils aillent? Ils va? Ils vais? OMG. Can't Marc and Jeanne go out for coffee in the passe simple and not the plus que parfait, because that would probably stop the continuous wrenching of hair from scalp type behaviours on my part, THANKS, MARC AND JEANNE.

I was (mostly) able to talk to (most of) The People of Quebec just fine last summer, so why is this test such a douche?

This reminds me too much of fifth first grade math. You know, If Pedro and Suzanne have eight apples, and Sven eats four apples, WHAT TENSE ARE THEY IN IF YOU WERE TO CONJUGATE THIS SENTENCE WITH THE FUTUR ANTERIEUR.

I want to call Emilie and just, you know, casually go through the entire thing, question by question, but I think she's doing physics and I think that's cheating.

I think I'll just go...learn all the answers and fill it out next week.

Registration in general is kicking my ass. What, am I just supposed to wake up the day after I'm accepted and magically understand it all? Apparently, I'm supposed to have some sort of "academic advisor" that answers all of my questions and helps me through the "registration process", a little like Hagrid explained to Harry that, yes, he's a wizard, and, no, his parents did not die in a car crash, but so far, Johannes vanderLeest (my "academic advisor") has not been on my radar.

Not to mention that registration started almost two months ago, and I just started looking into it last week. 
If it was easy, I'd be done it already, but it's not and I'm not, and we're both bitches.
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