Despite having an office in La Paz, and indeed more around the world, the main centre of operations is situated just outside the charmingly lovely resort town of Coroico. Called Eco Park, the complex was an environmentally friendly rest and recuperation centre built into a hill. Literally in, as the complex itself was almost completely earth-sheltered.
The only major flaw was that getting there from La Paz involved travelling the road called ‘the Most Dangerous Road in the World’; and oh did it earn it. A gravel track just wide enough for one vehicle, sheer 1000m drop-offs, rock overhangs, waterfalls and the Bolivian driving style…
Most of the passengers on the bus she took covered their eyes. She didn’t, but there was nothing that would ever change Camille’s view that Greene situated his main office around Corocio to deliberately take advantage of that road. After all, why would you want to head back to La Paz on the cool highlands with that road? Far better to stay with the pleasant tropical climate and the facilities. The complex is well built, with Andean details around the doors and skirting the walls, and the small apartments built for the staff were always centred around a large courtyard. Plenty of skylights and sun-pipes, the solar-powered lights were strong enough that it didn’t feel dark and gloomy
Camille stowed her things into her apartment - a corner one, so split on two levels - and settled in. By the time two weeks have gone, she’s settled in. Settled in enough to be familiar to people, settled in enough to chat with her neighbours (married, with a three-year-old girl they leave at the daycare; why anyone would bring a child here is quite frankly beyond her), settled in despite that...
By the time two weeks have gone, she is sitting in the office she shares with Rocio, with the computer on, reading two reports and taking notes. Her white jacket is drapped over the chair, her low heels slipped off under the table. In spite of her dislike of having an open door at her back, the door is remains half open.
Rocio, despite being currently out at a meeting, dislikes having it shut; half way is a compromise.
Camille is good at those.