I failed even more at this than my very, very low expectations :(

Jul 09, 2009 19:18

Ugh. I got busy at work (which is impressive considering I work one day a week) at the same time I decided to be more social. D:

(also, I read everything on LJ off RSS feeds and then forgot to subscribe to them after I reformatted and then I was like 'man, these people post really infrequently!' and then today I worked out what I'd done D: )

I like DAME Arashi in a 'I like that they're allowed and comfortable with their fans/their image to say things they don't like about girls.' I mean, it's kind of a nice change from 'I like it when they touch their neck!' or 'I like girls who wear flat shoes'. And I don't really mind the competing against each other/being judged aspect because, well it just doesn't really bother me, I guess?

On the other hand, I kind of hate it because they invariably say things that I haaaaate. If I have a problem with it, that's what it is, because they can fuck right off with what they think proper girl behaviour should be >:(

Other than that, I LOVE THAT JUN IS GOING THROUGH A :D :D :D :D :D PHASE AT THE MOMENT. He just beams at everyone all the time, I love it so much plus it's nice because Aiba seemed a little :( the last month or so - which I think is mostly over? - but idk,it was a nice change.

I know what I do hate though :( how many fucking communities I have to subscribe to these days and then sometimes they make you do a quiz and Stormy Team rejected me :( HATE.

I wanted to say more things but I have forgotten them and if I don't post this entry now I will probably forget for another six weeks. HI ♥

(ahaha, actually I think the other thing I was going to say was that I was sulking because my Jun sim died in Sims 3 and he never even got Aiba to accept his marriage proposal T_T )
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