So. Hi, world at large.
It's nice to know that you're still out there. Maybe more stressed, maybe kind of busy, maybe a little fandom-obsessed...that's good.
Let me tell you now that it is Good Friday. Or it was until just a minute ago. I go to Mass and I see wonderful people whom I love and respect. People who write me references, and give me hugs, and inspire me. They are all good people. Even our priest, who preaches homilies without even looking at the congregation, he's funny. He watches the Simpsons. And I love this community. Or Lori, she shared a room with me when I came back to school after medical withdrawal. She's really quiet and self-deprecating. But if you catch her at the right moment, she will tease you about napping during the middle of the day from here until the clean-up after Sunday supper. But.
Then I come back here. And I turn on my TV, and cruise the internet. And I can't stop loving the subversive. The really good Xmen slash fiction where Charles and Erik are lovers post concentration-camp, and it
feels like canon. Or the
fandom wank where someone just popped
Godwin's Law. Or wondering whether House and Wilson will actually get together on next week's episode.
How do I integrate that?
Dude. I am going to *suck* at the "simple life" next year.