Jan 16, 2004 20:01
things are going to happen fast now. and i wont have my back turned on change, i am ready this time so i wont be left behind.
schools back in. means more art and lots of lots of aquilae. i am sad soon i wont be taking mi hija to school every morning i like playing madre!
aquilae's poetry reading is coming up on the 15th and this one is going to be big time baby.
one of my resolutions is to mellow out. we will see. all i see now is the ends who will be there what will happen and what i am ready for. all my good dreams are for italy. i just need roshan with me wherever i go i need that i hope fate understands and helps us out.
im ready for something big.
and its coming and everything will be leveled.
name meanings
You have a need to communicate and express yourself. You are inclined to over intellectualize, and hate to be misquoted. You enjoy a challenge. You can take thought-directed actions. You are relatively demonstrative in your affections. You enjoy being stroked verbally and physically. You are clever, inventive, imaginative and youthful. You enjoy socializing. You have much enthusiasm with a driving attitude toward achievement in life.