This weekend I went to Seattle and saw Dolly Parton.
Swear to god.
We got the ferry...
We drove down to Everrett, near Seattle, which was where Dolly was playing.
We got stopped by the police and it was really exciting. "License and registration, ma'am." HOLY SHIT that's what they say in movies! We just acted all lost and really enunciated our english accents so he felt sorry for us. it worked. I didn't take a picture though, because I was all intimidated.
We saw Dolly. She was fabulous. my mother and I were fabulous and kept getting told as much by funny gay men. I wonder if maybe with the amount of makeup we had on if they thought we were miniature drag queens... This is the best picture I have of the concert, and it's BAD. I think I was too excited to stand still or something.
I forgot to say that it took ages between Dolly's supporting act and the woman herself actually coming on stage. SO my mum and me got drunk in the break between them.
This is us walking home in the *freezing* dark after the concert, a bit drunk and possibly singing 9 to 5.
I had big hair for Dolly. Hells yeah. I think she appreciated it.
The next day we went shopping in Everrett. That place is a HOLE. I was in the goodwill store terrified for my life. It was full of cracked out people, I swear. I suppose there's nothing else to do in that place than get HI-IGH. I bought a bowl for a dollar though. so..yay for bumhole towns.
but their town christmas tree does float in the middle of an intersection so maybe they weren't on crack. Maybe they were just very, very puzzled at how they could live in such an odd place.
Then we went to Seattle. Thank fuck. Seattle is such a great city.
We stayed in a suite! (SWEET) That was super cool. I'm fairly certain that it was bigger than our whole apartment. and probably cost about a month's rent for the night.
We crazy shopped. My mum bought a cute coat. I think she looks like Madeline in it. Don't tell her though, she thinks that she's a grown up.
Then we went out for dinner. It was supergood. I had salmon and the waiter thought I was gauche becuase I asked for it well done. I hate slimy fish, buddy. and he wasn't that smart anyway because we fooled him into thinking I was 21 and drank a lot of wine on the premises.
What are two drunk girls going to do in a hotel late at night? PHOTOSHOOT.
I was channelling Tyra Banks. I don't even know if that's possible, since she's not dead.
With the help of a prop, we took some self timer photos too.
My mum thinks that we have 'skinny japanese pop legs' in this picture. I don't even know what that means. She's a lunatic.
The next day we shopped so hard that there was no time for silliness such as carmera having. I got a lovely jumper from Abercrombie and some makeup from Sephora.
We got mack to good old Canada last night. I've never been so happy to see Canadians in my life. No offense to those of you on my flist who are of the Yankee persuasion, guys as a whole scare me a lot. People could crush me, if they wanted to. I was frightened of how many Bush/Cheney bumper stickers I saw. I actually saw a thing by the roadside that said 'Honk if you love Jesus'. That's bloody funny though.
What are people doing tonight? I want to do something other than lurk on eljay.