Feb 12, 2008 21:22
A friend's blog inspired me to write a general post about my health, which has been sort of puzzling me for a while.
So, it seem slike I'm in pretty good health. At last check,
my BMI was 20-check
my waist-hip ratio is 0.7-check
my body fat percentage was 16 (last semester. now it's probably 18. still fine)
I'm engaged in ~60 min cardio activity at least four times a week
I'm vegetarian with fish ~1-2 times/week, and a glass or two of red wine
my blood pressure is 115/65, (healthy normal is 120/80)
Looks good, no? What's really puzzling to me is that my resting pulse is in the 85-95 range, and isn't below 78 or so when I'm laying in bed in the morning. I know I'm sort of small, and still young, but that still seems quite high. I know I"m not a marathon runner or distance swimmer or anything... but man, what's going on?